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Favorite anime couple?
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2004-11-05 23:17:37
my fav of all time is Usagi & Mamoru (sailor moon)
but there's many more:
sagara & chidori (FMP)
arima & miyazawa (KK)
kenshin & kaoru (RK)
kaoru & aoi (AYA)
ranma & akane (ranma 1/2)
kyo & honda (FB)
van & hitomi (escaflowne)

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by getter ray on 2004-11-06 18:08:35
hey now, let's not forget
Parn and Deedlit (RecOfLodWar)
Inuyasha and Kagome
Hideki and Chii (Chobits)
of course, those are just some I could think of that weren't mentioned and (I fealt) worth mentioning.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens."

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by CondoR on 2004-11-06 22:02:21
I gotta say I agree with you guys. Hideki and Chii, Sosuke and Chidori.

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Nep on 2004-11-06 23:13:15
Kenshin and Kaoru, hideki and Chii....
Somehow...I get the idea that all things beautiful is always full of sorrow and harship...

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by 明 on 2004-11-07 17:41:29
[1] Ryuu x Megu - Tantei Gakuen Q
[2] Yuki x Tohru - Furuba
[3] Chrno x Rosette - Chrno Crusade
[4] Loki x Mayura - Matantei Loki RAGNAROK
[5] Kadsuki x Ren - Get Backers


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Tendrak on 2004-11-08 07:37:08
Umao & Ushigo - Kimagure Orange Road

It is time for the hulk!

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Atemu on 2004-11-08 22:35:10 (edited 2005-03-20 01:06:49)
I choose KiraXLacus and AthrunXCagalli fr GSeed, AtemuXMana and YugiXRebecca fr YGO

I love Gundam Seed!! Cagalli and Kira! KiraXLacus AthrunXCagalli

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-11-10 03:45:11
I've always like Miyu X Larva. There's a freakish bond between them. Master and Servant, Lovers, Prisoner and Executioner. Interesting couple.

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by kanekosama on 2004-11-11 12:04:52
ran and shinichi
masaya and ichigo
lina and gourry
mitsuki and takuto
inuyasha and kagome
ranma and akane
ataru and lum
vash and meryl
heiji and kazuha
li and sakura
mouse and shampoo
tamahome and miaka
usagi and momoru


Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by katie on 2004-11-15 16:27:02
i think miroku and sango (if they'd get together) and Anna & Yoh

is it all worth it? can we live on? what's the point?

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by higure on 2004-11-15 18:51:06
hooray for shounen-ai couples!!
chrno crusade - chrno x aion
furuba - ayame x yuki
yami no matsuei - hisoka x tsuzuki
naruto - kakashi x sasuke
hunterxhunter - kurapika x gon


Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Risika on 2004-11-19 17:59:04
Syaoran and Sakura - Cardcaptor Sakura
Miemi and Asuka Jr - Saint Tail
Usagi and Momoru - Sailor Moon
Aya and Tooya - Ayashi no Ceres
Sagara and Chidori - Full Metal Panic
Tamahome and Miaka - Fushigi Yuugi
Tomoyo and Eriol - Cardcaptor Sakura

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Fairy on 2004-11-20 09:51:33
Naru&Keitaro-Love Hina
Miaka&Tamahome-Fushigi Yugi

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by dyaoka on 2004-11-21 14:19:06
love both shounen-ai and hetero-ai!!!
InuYasha x Kikyou (dunno why i like 'em) [IY]
Al x Winry [FMA]
Ranma x Akane or Ukyo [Ranma 1/2]
Gon x Killua [HxH]
Ryoma x Eiji (to cute...)[PoT]
Eiji x Fuji (DREAM PAIR!) [PoT]
Eclipse x Raenef [DD]
Tachibana x Hiiragi [I'll/CKBC] many to list. it'll probably take up so much space that i'll be kicked off. XD

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Risukii on 2004-11-23 12:13:18
if they do, then my favorite couple of all time would have to be kurama X hiei (yu yu hakusho). theyre PERFECT for each other!! ^___^
other favorite couples?...lets see...
dee X ryo (FAKE)
yuki X shuichi (gravitation)
heero X duo (gundam wing)
trowa X quatre (gundam wing)
tsuzuki X hisoka (yami no matsuei)
chichiri X tasuki (fushigi yuugi)
hotohori X nuriko (fushigi yuugi)
lol. anyone sense a pattern here? ^___^
yay for yaoi!

so tell me,what does it feel like living in a constant cloud of stupidity?

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Lilia on 2004-11-23 12:37:38
All-time fave would have to be...Van x Hitomi from Escaflowne, regardless of the series ending and Hitomi's wimpiness.
But I also like...
Dryden x Millerna (Escaflowne)
Kyo x Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Wolfwood x Millie (Trigun) - they're so cute together!
Kamina Ayato x Shitow Haruka and Ayato x Mishima Reika and Ayato x Asahina Hiroko (Rahxephon)
Let's hear it for the tangled threads of love!

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by rincewind on 2004-11-25 02:54:59
Hi to everbody, first post! :)
Well, that are some of my favs,
- Sakura x Tomoyo (CCS)
- Rika x Terada (CCS)
- Yuka x Kouta (Elfen Lied)
- Sora x Mia (Kaleido Star)
- Sora x Layla (Kaleido Star)
- Sora x Ken (Kaleido Star... maybe I must say "Sora and anybody"? :D)
- Shido x Liho (Nightwalker)
- Himeko x Chikane (Kannazuki no Miko)
- Kaorin x Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh)
- Shinji x Rei (Evangelion...stupid Shinji)
- Fuguno x Hamaoka (If I see you in my dreams)
Lots of yuri! :D

Luck is my third name... buy bad is the second.

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by shun on 2004-11-26 09:54:04 (edited 2005-07-13 20:59:47)
Guy and Mikoto (Yushaoh Gao Gai Gar)
in my whole entire life watching anime, they're the best, sweet, supportive loving pair i've ever seen.

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Reg on 2004-11-26 23:51:57
Kira X Lacus- Gundam Seed
Tohru X Kyo- Friuts Basket
Kuruma X Bhutan- Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Fighter)
Hisoka X Machi- Hunter X Hunter
Ranma X Akane- Ranma 1/2
Ginji X Natsumi- Get Backers
Akabane X Himiko- Get Backers
Otaru X Lime- Saber Marionette J
Miyagi X Ayako- Slam Dunk
Sano X Megumi- Ruroni Kenshin (Samurai X)
Nakago X Yui- Fushigi Yugi (sigh...)

Re: Favorite anime couple?
Link | by Ruby_Star on 2004-11-27 14:15:29
I hope nobody minds me saying this.
Sakura/Eriol (CCS) or Sakura/Meiling (CCS), solely because:
A: I like alternate couples.
B: Eriol is cute.
C: Meiling could calm down a little and get to like Sakura later on.
I also have a fondness of Dio/Luciora (Last Exile), even if I don't like yaoi in large doses, because it's so cute and obvious. Dio wins for Best Imitation of a Childish!Seme. (I like immature!seme/mature!uke...They're fun.)
Obsessing over Duo/Relena (Gundam Wing), even if it is totally made up, it would last way longer than Relena and Heero, nothing against either of them.

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