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Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by iloveanime on 2006-01-08 03:58:20
well my father thinks anime is childish n my exams results droped cuz of it...i always have 2 hide my anime collection away ffrom him...

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-01-09 14:58:06
TOTALLY!!! My mom doesn't like me watching anime or buying it! I know! I always have to hide it from my mom! She saids that it is bad for my grade and she wants me to go to a good school. Blah, blah, blah. But i respect her and started watching anime when she isn't home.

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-01-09 15:42:08
My parents don't care what I buy, and my marks always vary with each report card.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by Ravensender on 2006-01-09 15:56:26 (edited 2006-01-09 19:07:58)
My mom doesn't care as long as I stay on honor roll, and don't stay up too late watching fansubs (last time she found me up at 2:30 AM, she nearly killed me.)

The end of the weekend is something that's inevitable... Like a test. Or the Apocalypse. Love Compatibility Test Love Compatibility Test

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-01-09 16:05:57
Lucky!!! Although not lucky when your mom nearly killed you!!!

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by on 2006-01-09 16:22:25
Nope, my parents doesn't even cares at all!!

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by Hana on 2006-01-09 16:37:06
My parents don't like anime but they don't mind if I watch...even though I think they think I'm a bit obsessive....I did get my dad to watch Ruroni Kenshin before and he liked it.

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-09 16:54:59
My parents dont care as long as I dont stay up late watching.

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by on 2006-01-09 16:57:35
To tsukiko-

Yes, same here! You must be also lucky, too!

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-09 17:01:44
lol yea XD

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by myplasticheart on 2006-01-09 18:41:22
my mom doesnt really care. she likes most of the shows that i watch. she jsut dosen't like it when it just gets to *graphical* if you know what i mean

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by TunaCan on 2006-01-09 19:56:20
my mom just dont like anime cause i stay up til 4am watchin it. Also she think i'm wasting cash buy CDs and posters. but lucky my dad doesn't care

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Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by midnight on 2006-01-09 20:02:35
not really yes, not really on the anime we're watching...they dislike fushigi yuugi and tenjho tenge and the likes...

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Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by SwordLover on 2006-01-10 04:42:54
my dad discourages it...because he wants me to get into havard doing med or some crap like that. Like hell i would study those subjects...
I'm not allowed to spend any money whatsoever on anime. Only blank CDs to get fansubs burnt onto...

Ignore my typos!

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-01-10 06:13:45
my parents do not exactly discourage or encourage me..they jz let it be^_^ so i'm okay!yay!!

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Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by Immortal on 2006-01-10 06:29:15
my parents doesn't exactly hate anime but they sometimes comment about the animes I watch and collect...

is there a possibility that loving anime runs in the family?

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by sealedsprite on 2006-01-10 06:31:00
My mum and dad does not care whether i'm watchin it or not.
Juz always advising me not to spend too much on them since i buy the animes

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-01-10 09:56:18

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by Mousuke on 2006-01-10 16:51:21
Mum and dad don't really encourage or discourage anime...
My dad thinks it's kind of cool that I'm watching something "foreign". My mom lets me watch whatever I want (anime, tv, whatever) but she still thinks of anime as kids cartoons

"Chidori!.....It's just a coincidence." ~Sagara Sousuke

Re: Do your parents hate or discourages anime ?n y ?
Link | by Strider on 2006-01-10 17:30:27
My Dad got me into anime when he let me watch Fist of the north star with him one night (i must of been about 7/8), when they where showing anime on sci-fi channel. It's just really went from there. Mum thinks im wasting my money on my "monstu" as see calls it...manga to me and you.

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