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Epitaph (Ken version)
Link | by Dark Oracle on 2004-10-23 05:35:50
is it just me or is the song a united version of the weiss seiyuu sing Epitaph???
by any chance Gendou-san uploaded the wrong version?

I can see all in my dreams; the past, present and future

Re: Epitaph (Ken version)
Link | by gendou on 2004-10-23 14:05:44
i have no idea, i just uploaded the song according to its lable and ID3 tags. if someone can confirm it is the wrong version, i will take it down.

Re: Epitaph (Ken version)
Link | by Dark Oracle on 2004-10-24 02:29:23
the song Epitaph (Ken) you loaded up is the united version from the album 'Die Bleibende Erinnerung'
i checked the file details of the mp3 and this was the info it gave me - ID3 tag
sidenote:Epitaph (ken version) is on the weiss kreuz cd drama: Dramatic Precious Final Stage - Dreamless Life (tr 13).

I can see all in my dreams; the past, present and future

Re: Epitaph (Ken version)
Link | by gendou on 2004-10-25 19:17:00
ken version has been renamed united version

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