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Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-01-02 04:30:10
i've got a school assignment on and wanna link the songs for shuffle as the following:
Mirage Lullaby
In The Sky

Its a HTML assignment and i think the songs will be a great idea to add onto the file... but i need confirmations. i won't use it for other purposes other than linking.


Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-02 04:41:35 (edited 2006-01-02 04:42:37)
dude...jz dl it and make a link usin sum website...the rulez r rulez...

but who knoz...mebbe gendou-sama is ina good mood lmaoz..^^

good luck tho...^^

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-01-02 04:42:55
i can't.
my thumb drive's got a limit...


Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-02 05:01:02

fair enuf...^^

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-01-04 17:57:05
Mr Gendou, do you allow? :3


Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by on 2006-01-04 18:02:32
Don't know about that, but you might be lucky!

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by gendou on 2006-01-04 21:51:28 (edited 2006-01-05 13:43:39)
Please do not copy these links under any circumstances.
Direct linking in any way for any reason will get you banned.
Do not duplicate these links for background music, or otherwise, on any profile, blog, forum, or website.

Can I be any more clear?

Do not link them for a school project.
Do not link them in an <object>.
Do not link them as <bgsound>.
If you link them, you will be found.
If you're found you will be banned.
Do not link them sam i am.

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-01-05 00:53:07
There are consequences when you direct link, especially big files. One is that it will consume bandwidth, and that wil cause the site to be temporarily unavailable.

What is bandwidth limit?

Bandwidth is like a corridor. When it is empty, it is spacious, but when there is "fire" inside the building, people will "clog" the corridor until no one can pass through.

The corridor is the bandwidth, the people are the data that clogs the corridor, until no one can access the file.

Since direct linking can reach the bandwidth limit of a site, it will have major effects on that site.

Get it?

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-01-05 01:51:40 (edited 2006-01-05 05:38:37)
ugh so how do i make the music play -.-
because it's essiential to my school assignment.
whats more is.... i have my own Shuffle! OST myself, but somewhat hard to put them into my thumb drive, since they're all kinda big.
hence any idea, and i mean ANY idea to make it available?
reply asap, because its due tomorrow.
EDITED: nevermind, rules are rules, i'll abide it...


Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by gendou on 2006-01-05 08:31:45 (edited 2006-01-05 08:32:04)
if you want music to play on your website:
1. download the music from onto your thumb drive.
2. register an account at geocities.
3. upload the music file to geocities.
4. link to the file hosted on geocities.

Re: Linking songs from, permission please.
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-01-08 00:57:11
oh, thank you...


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