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fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by shen on 2005-12-31 21:57:21 (edited 2005-12-31 21:57:45)
just choose a winner between this two anime,is it hard to make decision.AND give ur comment for this 2 anime.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by nux3r on 2005-12-31 22:03:07
Rurouni Kenshin vs Ed.

Or do you mean Rurouni Kenshin characters vs FMA characters?

I'll go for Rurouni Kenshin because he has a sword and he's very fast. Ed has his arm and alchemy powers that's it which is also good by the way. Hmm tough one, can it be a draw?

My comments about both shows. Well they are both good shows that's all I have to say. Great storylines :D

::: || [ nux3râ„¢] || :::

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by schfoo on 2006-01-01 04:52:53
Great storylines? I disagree. There manga counterparts are way much better in terms of story.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-01-01 05:28:32
I'll go for FullMetal Alchemist, it has no filler episodes (filler episodes make an anime turn around in circles).

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-01 07:38:51
Comparing the two animes are like comparing oranges and apples...
Kenshin was a really popular anime in its time, and did not have the advantage of good cg anime. Also whoever was the screen writer should have been sacked because I agree that it had a lot of fillers (that were a bunch of wasted crap).

FMA's really good - however I dont have the same regard for it as I do for Kenshin? (maybe because I loved the OVA series and it redeemed the shitty ending, the shitty fillers, they shitty anime version to the ENISHI SERIES...the manga was better I could say the same for FMA)

With all these aside I like them equally... I find them difficult to compare.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by FYER on 2006-01-01 09:40:33
Fullmetal Alchemist vs Rurouni Kenshin eh? I never really think about that,but compare 2 RK, FMA is more original rite?I must say RK is a VERY successful project compare 2 others by its time,n the story goes very well(same 4 FMA).So I think its a tie.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2006-01-01 10:03:28
RK owns...juz look at kenshin...he juz blows all the FMA characters off the screen wif his coolness...

in a nutshell...


Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-01 16:47:20
Fullmetal Alchemist all the way ^_^

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by SwordLover on 2006-01-02 04:33:02

Ignore my typos!

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by Jabba on 2006-01-02 05:18:08
Before Kenshin can swing his katana, Ed would hace turbed it into a fish... "_"
LOL... Or maybe Roy would bbq him... :P
No offense to RK, i like it too, but FMA really rocks. :)

I Support Muraki x Tsuzuki

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by teardropz on 2006-01-02 07:17:21
It IS quite hard actually.
Kenshin was my all time favourite anime (yeah, fillers aside)
And yet I was hooked on to FMA as well. Its not an easy decision as these two animes are of different genres. Ed and Kenshin are lovable characters too. If it could be a tie, it would be a tie.
Action-wise, I'd go for RK.
Plot-wise, FMA.
And I'm already indecisive as it is.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-01-02 19:26:03
this IS hard!!!but i don really take much time to decide^_^
i'll pick FULL METAL ALCHEMIST!!!!rk is not bad either,but my heart says it jz gotta be full metal!!!^_^

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Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by Bernz on 2006-01-02 20:23:36
RK is still one of the best shows so RK it is.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-02 20:34:57 (edited 2006-01-02 20:36:00)
The good thing about FMA was that it took advantage of story momentum and also has an emotional edge. Would you not agree that FMA had a more emotionally packed story?

Kenshin was sorta goody goody, trying to make right on what he's done wrong and trying to do good. His dark side has been exorcised, and he is trying to move on with life (RK series is about him undoing his wrongs...). Ed is hardly the case - he could care less about being the goverment's dog. It served his purposes to work for the goverment. His motivation is to regain what was lost, his arm, leg and his brother's body...

The villains in Kenshin were all human and typical I suppose - superhuman yet still human. This made most of the plot predictable.... Ed had to battle his own half brother, his fathers past, and whole lot of evil psychopatic people like Shou Tucker (made me cringe)

Kenshin as the protagonist, was only really hurt in the Enishi Series. Ed on the other hand, because there was a lot of complex relationships and historical references to his fathers exploits -- you couldnt tell where the story would go.

I still think they both are pretty good. But RK has a more special pedestal in my heart.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by on 2006-01-02 20:56:19
This is a hard question coz FMA and RK are one of the best anime ever released. If you'll battle these two series, this would have been the result:

plot - FMA wins
characters RK wins
animation- tie
soundtrack- tie
and etc...

look likes there's a draw ^^

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-04-11 01:15:54
I will say Rurouni Kenshin cause he is fast.

Re: fullmetal alchemist vs [RK]rurouni kenshin
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-05-29 05:54:55
ermm.. repeat thread =_=

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