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What did you think of the new GSD Ending?
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2005-12-28 11:09:25
Personally...though I think Gundam SEED Destiny was still a half assed series near the end, the 1 hour special ending was FAR more satisfying than the original episode 50. Finally do we see a resolution between Athrun, Kira, and Shinn...and a slight preview for the 3rd series (Yes there is going to be one. Bandai hasn't made an official announcement but it has been confirmed by Sunrise staff members)

Still a lot of my original complaints with the series stand, it does however tie a lot of the horribly loose ends. I'm glad though that the Cagalli and Athrun relationship isn't redeeemed in the was a fairly oddball coupling as it was (Cagalli isn't mature really...good statesmen, not a lover) and Athrun ends up with Luna's sister. Though the last seconds of the ending seeing Lacus in a ZAFT gown, marching past all the military with Dearka and Yzak by her side makes me wonder what will happen in the 3rd series...finally I am slightly interested on seeing what the finale for the SEED gundam shows will bring...with Shinn and Kira forgiving eachother and agreeing to fight side by side, one can only guess what the hell will happen....

My rating for the GSD endings...

Phase 50: 1.5/5
Final Phase (the new 1 hour finale): 3.5/5

{On a final note}
....though Fukuda really needs to stop all the damn flashbacks...I mean seriously...and decide who really is the main character...don't toss it between three characters and have them stumble an ackward story. Settle with a good plot, stay on course and have ONE main character. (like the beginning to middle of GSD) I hope for the 3rd series Fukuda does not direct it, rather they give it to someone new who can inject more energy into a series that is becoming dangerously repetitive.

Re: What did you think of the new GSD Ending?
Link | by green_tea on 2005-12-28 21:48:29
I was really excited about the this. I could barely wait for it. I think it is better than episode 50 because episode 50..... i mean it just ended and I was lyk WTF is going on? Wut? it's done? that sort of stuff.>.< So, the special ending did give answers to some of my questions left with episode 50.

But then, I don't think there's much new things w/ the special episode. There are just a lot of flashbacks.That was a little disappointing.

Another thing I found disappointing is that Cagalli & Athrun didn't end up together. I personally really want them to end up together cause from that hug they shared, it felt like their feelings for each other is still there. I guess I'm probably saying that because I'm a CagallixAthrun fan. I don't blame you for not liking this couple. xD Are you sure Athrun end up with Luna's sis, Meyrin? It doesn't feel like there's anything between them at all. Also, if Cagalli isn't "matured" enough as you stated, Meyrin wouldn't have been very matured either. After all, she's around 2-3 years younger than Athrun.

I knew about having third series, but is there really a slight preview to it?(is it the end where Cagalli is walking to a room and Lacus is walking toward a podium?)

I'm sorry for talking that much.>.< sry~
btw, do you know where I could find out more information about the 3rd series?

Re: What did you think of the new GSD Ending?
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2005-12-29 07:55:46
Hrmmm valid arguements :P My opinions maybe flawed because I'm an old hardcore old school Gundam fan...and I'm kinda lukewarm to SEED and SEED Destiny (I do admit I like SEED though...unlike a lot of the old hardcore fans heh.) What I meant as a preview for the 3rd series is Athrun, Shinn, and Kira all kinda allied together, and Lacus looking like she is entering official PLANT politics. Makes for an interesting setup, and a lot more questions.

Sadly nothing new about the 3rd series until Bandai makes the official announcement...which will probably happen in late winter, early spring. For all best info on Gundam stuff check
They are probably the best source of Gundam related news. Also check out

Until then...we'll have to play the waiting game.

Re: What did you think of the new GSD Ending?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-12-29 23:56:00
waiting for fansub.....saw screenshots...mostly abt episode 50...

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