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People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-27 21:15:26 (edited 2005-12-27 21:18:10)
Well,have any of you seen characters from different anime that seemed looked the same both in looks and personalities?

To me,this people looked the same:

Edward Elric(FMA)& Coud Van Girruet(Erementar Gerad).With blond hair and red clothes they looked pretty simmilar.. Even my sister mistakenly thought that i was watching FMA eventhough i was actually watching Erementar Gerad that time....

Kurosaki Ichigo(Bleach)& Sawamura seiji(Midori No Hibi).Hot tempered,same hairstyle,admired by a girl without realizing


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Kioko Uratsuma on 2005-12-27 21:31:32
Kurosaki Ichigo also looks like Kyo Sohma of Furuba

I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Immortal on 2005-12-27 21:42:39 (edited 2006-01-07 03:28:27)
Ginji Amano from GetBackers & Bit Cloud from Zoids. they really look like twins!

see it for yourself!

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Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by _yue_ on 2005-12-27 22:29:20
i don't really think that ichigo and kyo look alike at all, except for the fact that they both got orange hair. well the characters that i think look alike is....i don't remember, but gundam seed and s-cry-ed have alot of similar looking characters.

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Jonitis on 2005-12-28 11:04:41
Ya Kyo and Ichigo look similar.

But I have to go with Lumiere and Eclair from Kiddy Grade and Ichika and Maika from Uta Kata

The man within the man, the love within the love, the sin within the sin...

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by lil_ro_boi on 2005-12-28 17:41:11
onli a blind person would miss this but...

sakura for cardcaptors n sakura from tsubasa chronicles...^^

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-30 22:24:31 (edited 2005-12-31 00:52:07)
To Jonitis,
Of course they looked the same. Both Kiddy Grade and Uta Kata characters designs were made by Keiji Gotoh who also designed characters in Gatekeepers.


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by gigacrosz on 2005-12-30 23:11:00
haposai in ranma 1/2 @ setengah and in inuyasha... = 3


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-31 00:54:05
Chotto Matte,gigacross!
haposai in ranma 1/2 and inuyasha don't looked the same. Happosai(Ranma) ngan Myoga-jiji(Inuyasha) baru la nampak sebijik!!


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Rukia on 2006-01-01 12:32:56
~Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach) & Onizuka Eikichi (GTO). Looks like Onizuka's the more-mature/old version of Ichigo. Hahaha... Aye, they look the same, especially when Ichigo's face goes all-goofy 'n stuff. Hair color is one factor too.

~Nikaido Yoriko & Saga Saori (both from You're Under Arrest) are so much alike. If you take away Yoriko's spectacles, you'd think that they're twins. In the EN, Blooming days, there's Yoriko without glasses, which made me think that it was Saori, but after that was her actually. The only difference they had was eye color; Yoriko had brown, while Saori had green.

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by bj0rN on 2006-01-01 12:52:41
i tot ueki kousuke from law of ueki would have some resemblence with echizen ryoma frm POT

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by nux3r on 2006-01-01 15:35:28
Haha this is a funny thread.

"People from different anime that looked the same"

Well, from what I know about 95 percent of all anime charaters ALL look the same. The only thing that differs is the hair style, eyes, and body because well you know....boy/girl right? But the face is the same old drawing.

::: || [ nux3râ„¢] || :::

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2006-01-03 20:45:17
nux3r,NOT ALL OF THEM looked the same..ESPECIALLY when it come to characters in DIFFERENT anime.....


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-04 01:45:15
If it means separated at birth sorta thing???
its really the hair... for most of the ones I picked....

Dark Schneider and Sheshoumaru
Naru and Asuna (from the same creator...)
Usagi sailormoon and Mitsuki full moon wo sagashite
Onizuka GTO and Seiji midori no hibi and Ichigo Kurozaki ... yes triplets

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by makitsukii on 2006-01-04 01:58:49
sohma kyo and ichigo kinda looks the same.. =)

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by b0red-chan on 2006-01-06 20:08:26
Haruka from Tactics & Jenos Hazard from Black Cat


Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Souzuke Sagara on 2006-01-06 21:30:28
Din't they post this topic before... deju vu!

anyway, if you guys watch fafner and gundam seed, both kazuki and shinn look alike as well as kazuki's father and kisaka.

Anata wa soko ni imasu ka

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by The Crappinometer on 2006-01-06 23:10:00
Eve from Black Cat and Shana from Shakugan no SHANA. It seems like they're long lost twins. And both are sooooooooooo kawaaaiiiiiii~

Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-06 23:58:06
@ SOuzuke Sagara

Yup..there is similarity on fafner and gsd. Kazuki looked a lot like Shinn+Athrun and indeed Kazuki's dad look almost the same with Kisaka san...I also wonder if Soushi really looked like Cagalli...hehehehehe...

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Re: People From Different Anime That Looked The SAME.
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-11 04:15:52
And again, the artist who draw fafner and gs/gsd character are the same person. It is Hisashi Hirai.

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