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Gundamseed Destiny - Reason (Full Version).....uploaded
Link | by Newstars on 2004-10-16 13:09:26
Well it's true this is the full version of the ED theme of Gundam Seed Destiny.
Name : Gundam seed destiny - Reason
Size : 5.50 MB
Length : 4:48
Sing by : Nami Tamaki

Re: Gundamseed Destiny - Reason (Full Version).....uploaded
Link | by Jin on 2004-10-19 13:47:03
I cannot seem to find this. Do you know any reason why?

Re: Gundamseed Destiny - Reason (Full Version).....uploaded
Link | by Kaioshin on 2004-10-19 14:31:17
I can't Find Reason either, has it been added to the database yet or has Gendou just not put it on the site as of yet.

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