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Xenosaga II - Sweet Song.... uploaded
Link | by Newstars on 2004-10-16 09:32:49
Here's the name : Xeno2disc2010

Re: Xenosaga II - Sweet Song.... uploaded
Link | by hitchi on 2004-10-16 11:55:05
Yo, thanks so much for uploading, now only if Shinji would put it up...

Yuki Kajiura > j00

Re: Xenosaga II - Sweet Song.... uploaded
Link | by BasouKazuma on 2004-10-17 10:04:49
I was the one who requested and uploaded it. Soo theres no need for your version. Next time just rename the file so that it has the title in it, then upload it.

Re: Xenosaga II - Sweet Song.... uploaded
Link | by hitchi on 2004-10-17 10:13:30
What? I requested it...

Yuki Kajiura > j00

Re: Xenosaga II - Sweet Song.... uploaded
Link | by shinji on 2004-10-17 19:05:55


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