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short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by triforce_eternal on 2005-12-16 10:19:45
I think that the main one is definitely FLCL. It was an awesome anime, but it could have had much more stuff added to it.

May the Triforce live on!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Seculi Terminus on 2005-12-16 10:36:28
Hellsing DEFINITELY should have been longer! it's like they didn't even finish it!

That's my $0.02. Plus change.
AKA Home-Dog Ass-Masta' The G-Unit

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by phil on 2005-12-16 15:48:00
They should extend Love Hina to match the manga


Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2005-12-16 16:08:25
I found Scryed short and it was a great anime.
others would include Fullmetal yeah 51 is a lot of shows but the could have combined it with the stuff in the manga to make it long and good (unlike Inuyasha thing never ends)

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Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by grey0zero on 2005-12-16 16:35:50
trigun should have been longer and better explained, like the manga

I fear no evil for I am fear incarnate!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Asuka on 2005-12-16 19:09:36
I would love it if they made Neon Genesis Evangelion longer.

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by william on 2005-12-16 21:38:12

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by annita on 2005-12-16 22:12:58
Yeah! Hellsing is too short! It leaves inconclude things. I hate the anime not being like the manga lol

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Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by yonatay on 2005-12-17 05:31:52
but arn't they making OAVS of it called Hellsing ultimate
I saw a trailer for Hellsing series 2 somewhere

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by triforce_eternal on 2005-12-17 11:58:43
BLOOD+, I think. Isn't there only about 10 eps or something like that? It's a really good anime, along with Gunslinger Girl.

May the Triforce live on!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Alchemic-Desire on 2005-12-17 12:13:29
FLCL 'cause It was funny and had potential.

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by shesshomaru-sama on 2005-12-17 13:21:24
witch hunter robin

i wish that they had made it longer because at the end they leave you hanging as to where or if amon and robin are alive.

they were in love but not from the begining and its one of those loves that you'd enjoy reading about and watching.

ja ne

hope to have a great time here. i love anime!Photobucket

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Bari on 2005-12-17 13:54:07
escaflowne. that was hurried in the end. that, FLCL, recca, and kare kano

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by triforce_eternal on 2005-12-17 14:00:33
Onmyou Taisenki could have been the next Pokemon, but... There's only what? 30 eps?

May the Triforce live on!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by on 2005-12-17 15:05:20
Spiral. :o I wish it was longer... It's only 25 episodes... *Sigh*

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-17 17:03:10
Fruits Basket

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by TunaCan on 2005-12-17 17:50:25
Eflen Lied is a must... and ichigo 100% SHOULD BE LIKE made the same length as the manga. they r both 13 ep each... i'm very happy if there 24 ep each! not askin for much

Signature goes here... i think

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by Leeann on 2005-12-17 18:21:40
I'd say Fruits Basket. It's too short. Only 26 episodes and Tohru still hasn't met the last two members!! And Akito! And what about the "hat" story?! I mean, come on! There's still a whole bunch of things that they didn't put in! And they still add more!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2005-12-17 20:53:49
i actually like the length that flcl is. with flcl, quality definitely made up for quantity. likewise with kare kano - sakura and tonomi's relationship would just be a repeat of souichirou and yukino's, and i can't see what more could be shown about the latter relationship that hasn't already been shown. well, perhaps marriage... and kids?

that aside, i think berserk and juuni kokki could benefit from being longer. aside from the unfinished taiki story arc, juuni kokki has so many more novels that i would love to see animated. as for berserk, i've been told to read the manga... but i still wanna see it!

Re: short anime everybody wishes were longer
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2005-12-17 22:46:12
hmm maybe gravitation
in the end don't know is it yuki with shuuichi or not

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