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Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Redman on 2004-10-11 20:02:10
I was wonderin what most people like via anime, honestly i love Castle in the Sky, .hack//sign, saiyuki, etc... so yeah tell me what you guys like

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-10-11 22:16:20
^_^ I like the typical anime that most people like. NARUTO, Fruits Basket, and FLCL. But I must say that my all-time fav. anime would be The Last Unicorn. Would people consider that anime? or cartoon?

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Flamer on 2004-10-12 07:41:11
Teen Titans!its not exactly my fav but its a cool show to watch

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by dragonruler824 on 2004-10-12 08:46:53
technically teen titans is not an anime. there is some wierd reason behind it that i will find out for you if you are wondering...
but back on the subject. its between Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, and... ... ... (Deep in thought...) AzuManga Diaoh

"You truly are clueless. Are you sure it's just your memory that's the problem?"
- Lulu - Final Fantasy X

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by That Man on 2004-10-12 09:28:19
Who violated anime's sanctity by calling Teen Titans an anime???!!!!! Sacrilege!!!!!!! I don't think I have a favorite show, but I do like a lot.

Now you will feel the power of... THE AFRO!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by mizuno on 2004-10-12 10:40:20
Bible Black and Nightshift Nurses (:

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Redman on 2004-10-12 11:40:39
thnx im still not sure on most things but im startin to get into evangelion...its awsome, you guys like it? hmmm teen titans is ok i think its pretty cool. Code Lyoko is also a pretty cool french show not really anime but w/e. If you guys got any other sugestions then im open.

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-10-12 12:54:29
V Gundam, and prob Z Gundam

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by pirateking888 on 2004-10-12 21:52:11
For me it's:
Theres a lot more I like and a lot more I want to see but I haven't seen them yet. :(


Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by BMF on 2004-10-13 00:50:21
X tv
just to name a few

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by 明 on 2004-10-13 06:05:21
[1] Tantei Gakuen Q
[2] Hagane no Rekinjutsushi a.k.a Fullmetal Alchemist
[3] Get Backers


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by zZ7 on 2004-10-13 13:51:58
Silent Möbius. I love this one! Got it on video and I watch it once a year. In November it might be time again...


Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Nep on 2004-10-13 23:50:43
DID SOMEONE MENTION "The Last Unicorn"??!!
I think I watched it when I was around 8 years old and just a few months ago I dreamed about it. I thought it didnt exist and was just a figment of my imagination But THEN I checked it up and IT EXISTS!!!
WHOA>...I remember vaguely that it was really beautiful and I SOOOO wanna watch it again but I CoULDn'T FREAKING FIND IT!!!
So...I borrowed the book.
And it sucked alot.
BUT I still WANNA WATCH IT!! I'd put it on my favourite anime list too...
Saiyiki is good...well at least the manga is...

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-10-14 15:35:34
^_~ Neato! Someone actually remembers it! YAY!! I'm soo happy. Well I have mine on DVD. What's bad about it is that it's the same quality as the video, but i enjoyed it soo much as a child that it didn't really matter. You can find it in your local DVD store. I got mine at DVD PLANET.

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Messenger of Gaoda on 2004-10-15 13:24:28
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
The Vision of Escaflowne
Code Lyoko

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Crovax on 2004-10-16 06:37:48
1. Trigun- Just becaouse the characters are absolutly brilliant. Note: Vash the Stampeed, BEST CHARACTER EVER....
2. Evangelion- Close one with Trigun, I love the story. But some of the characters are a bit...week...
3. Outlaw Star
4. Escaflowne
5. Martian Succesor: Nadesico
6. Razephon
7. Mobile Suit Gundam
8. Gundam Wing

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by That Man on 2004-10-16 11:12:05
Evangelion, just because Shinji is the best character ever created.
Cowboy Bebop, Spike, do I need to say more?
Escaflowne, One of the best fantasy worlds ever, and the Escaflowne is a awesome mecha.
Dead Leaves, Just amazingly f***ed up.
Hellsing, Alucard, Cripsin Freeman.
Witch Hunter Robin, The amazing gothic atmosphere, and Crispin Freeman, my favorite voice actor right now.
Video Girl Ai, A personal favorite.
Raxephon, the best Evangelion clone right now.
Everything by Hayao Miyazaki, he, other then Hideaki Anno, is the best anime director.
Voltron, I grew up on this stuff, gotta love it.
Lupin the Third, one of the funniest manga series.
GTO, the funniest anime and manga in forever.
His and Her Circumstances, The best shojo in a long time.

Now you will feel the power of... THE AFRO!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Redman on 2004-10-17 15:14:55
I think evangelion, .hack//sign and siyuki are three of the best.
Also I was wonderin has anyone herd of a really old anime called "Once upon a Time" ????
it was made it 1987 its really good for that era...check it out!

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Suki-chan on 2004-10-19 07:43:29
Inuyasha (Sesshomaru rocks!!!!)
Witch hunter robin(Robin is soo cool!)
Raxephon (awsome!)
Hellsing (Alucard is AWSOME!!)
Trigun ( Nick and Vash are two of the coolest characters ever!)
Owtlaw star (Gene and Jim yay!!)
Gundam seed (Go T.M.Revolution!!)
Naruto (Inner Sakura is cool!)
Silent mobius(Its so cool the OP rocks!!)
Gatekeepers (Its histerical)
Gatekeepers 21 (if you haven't seen this you have missed one good anime)
FLCL (Haruka need I say more?)
One Piece (LOL!!)
Cowboy bebop (Edward!!!!)
Azumanga Daiyo(Chiyo-chan =D)
Furuba (aka fruits basket if viz takes this I'll die!!!!!)
.hack//sign (Tsubaru yeah!)
Spirted away (ugh Ihate saying that whats the japanese name i het the english one?)
Mononoke Hime (aka princess mononoke I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!=)

We are Fighting Dreamers! Aiming for the Top!

Re: Whats evryones fav anime?
Link | by Bustedflipflop on 2004-10-23 14:45:51
Cowboy Bebop
Scrapped Princess
Last Exile (just started watching it but I love it so far)

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