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Fast pace/rock music
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2005-12-08 02:20:49
Anybody know any good Fast pace/rock music? Something like "For Real" From "Saiyuki" or "Carnival Babel" from "Blue Seed"

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-12-08 06:20:09
Dogfight by Move.

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by TTD on 2005-12-08 07:48:44
Blaze Away and Be Survivior from Eyeshield 21
almost anything by JAM Project
Pulse from Onmyou Taisenki
99% from Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Asterisk from Bleach
Kasabuta from Konjiki no Gash Bell

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by Valfor on 2005-12-08 13:39:44
Break up by DASEIN

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by Aoi Azzura on 2005-12-08 23:57:09
Tightrope by Tetsu69. It's from Saiyuki OVA's song and not Saiyuki TV's Tightrope.

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by on 2005-12-09 11:40:40
Barairo no Sekai from Get Backers. It's a must download. I love this song, sooo much.

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by takerukun on 2005-12-09 16:47:34 (edited 2005-12-09 16:49:55)
a lot of the prince of tennis songs, same goes with FLCL songs, and of course naruto also

"mada mada dane"

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by SwordLover on 2005-12-10 04:07:59
Wild Rock-saiyuki reload

try some more saiyuki songs..quite are few are fast pace/rock-ish

Ignore my typos!

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2005-12-12 03:16:00
Thankx people i will try em all.
I had trouble finding good songs so i started downloading songs from gendou, which had a rating of 8.5 or higher 1 by 1. When i got to page 40 i got tired of it.

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by Furi Kuri on 2005-12-12 18:03:00
Rewrite - ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION (from Full Metal Alchemist)

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by Jonitis on 2005-12-14 09:15:56
These are my 3 favourite "High Energy" songs:

1. Move - Noizy Tribe (Initial D 4th Stage)
2. Onmyouza - Kouga Ninpou Chou (Basilisk)
3. ALI Project - Kinjirareta Asobi (Rozen Maiden)

The man within the man, the love within the love, the sin within the sin...

Re: Fast pace/rock music
Link | by kirima on 2005-12-15 21:44:35
Not bothering to scan for repeats. I'm so lazy.

Rewrite - Fullmetal Alchemist - Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Ready Steady Go - Fullmetal Alchemist - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Link - Fullmetal Alchemsit - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Lost Heaven - Fullmetal Alchemist - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Undo - Fullmetal Alchemist - Cool Joke
Haruka Kanata - Naruto - Asian Kung-Fu Generation
For Real - Gensoumaden Saiyuki - Tokuyama Hidenori

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