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Eerie Queerie and hands off!
Link | by Paige on 2005-12-07 03:47:18
Has anyone ever read these book? I wont say what it's about unless you wish me to tell you, but it is a good book and was wondering, if anyone has read Hands off! Is Kotaru's cousin, gay? Or is it just the ESP Which is doing it.

burn my heart, rip appart my soul, screaming out your name, feeling so alone... Im screaming out my heart in a puddle of blood, Im trying to stop my eyes over floor, I am not a zoo dont stare at me, cos im not a zoo dont stare at me, im finally free, yes im free like a bee, i can try to pretend i can try to forget...

Re: Eerie Queerie and hands off!
Link | by Aya-Kun on 2005-12-07 09:11:46
Ive read Eeerie Queerie but haven't manged to get hold of Hands Off! yes ~trying to finish to many other collection lol~ Eeerie Queerie is a great manga series, they should really make it in to an anime it would be great.

Re: Eerie Queerie and hands off!
Link | by Paige on 2005-12-07 11:06:57
I know, I mean... HASUNUMA *Meltage*

burn my heart, rip appart my soul, screaming out your name, feeling so alone... Im screaming out my heart in a puddle of blood, Im trying to stop my eyes over floor, I am not a zoo dont stare at me, cos im not a zoo dont stare at me, im finally free, yes im free like a bee, i can try to pretend i can try to forget...

Re: Eerie Queerie and hands off!
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-12-07 18:24:10
Is hands-off also yaoi? *.* If it is I MUST GET IT... Anyway Eerie Queerie is funny. Hasu is so cool... Ichi is also very cute...

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: Eerie Queerie and hands off!
Link | by Nikki on 2005-12-12 10:23:35
Hands Off has hints of shounen-ai, but I'm sure there's gonna be more.

Eerie Queerie is great. It's too bad they only have 4 manga. That's sad...and there's no anime to it...

"The world is a great place...for me to poop on!" <~Triumph

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