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Nintendo DS features
Link | by pirateking888 on 2004-10-05 19:51:44
What part are you excited about most in the NEW
Nintendo DS? I'd say the Connectivity of the blue tooth technology! and the voice recognition.


Re: Nintendo DS features
Link | by Fil on 2004-10-07 21:23:57
I'd say that while the touch screen in interesting, just being more powerful than a GBA is enough to excite me. The Game Boy Advance certainly gets the most play of any of my consoles.

Re: Nintendo DS features
Link | by JD on 2004-10-08 17:34:44
um... the raw power... 'nuff said
and on the bluetooth.. i love it b/c that outweighs the larger design tenfold :: although you have a larger device, theres less stuff to carry around and less hassle =P

my life in a nutshell -> OMGWTFBBQ

Re: Nintendo DS features
Link | by Natural Disaster on 2004-10-19 16:45:49
The thing I like about it most is:
have you actually seen the size of the game cardriges! the only problem i'd have is trying not to lose them!
Honestly, they're about as flat as a dime and as long as the d-pad on the GBA its rediculous

" Heaven's Not Enough "

Re: Nintendo DS features
Link | by Neon Gen Eva on 2005-02-24 06:26:36
it has Voice Recognition? daaaaaamn! it just moved up on my priority list of things to buy. it now stands like this:

1: All platinum editions of Neon Genesis.
(have 1 of 8)
2: follow up with Death:Rebirth and End
of Evangelion.
3: a DS.

What are you, Stupid?

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