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Link | by Jessie on 2005-12-02 09:06:07
Anybody watch and like the anime Gravitation? I do! I haven't seen the whole series, but I'm downloading the episodes... I've seen the OVA, too... Hiroshi and Ryuichi have got to be my fave charas, although I love the pairing Shuichi/Yuki, too ^^ Anyone else like Gravitation?

Hiroshi Nakano is mine! <3 And no one is gonna steal him from me otherwise you will get blasted by my OCs... *snuggled up to Hiroshi* ^_^

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by high emporer Jesm on 2005-12-02 17:51:57
Oh yeah gravi doth rocks!! i love Mr. K best 'Big News'

In Russia machine dance on YOU.>

James POWERGAMING the web since his friend starting paying again....

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by camui on 2005-12-02 21:14:20
I have seen it too! ^_^ I love Ryuichi and Yuki! ^_^ My favorite pairing though is RyuichixShuichi... the angst pairing hehe ^_^


Re: Gravitation!
Link | by Jessie on 2005-12-02 22:25:08 (edited 2005-12-02 22:25:49)
I haven't seen the whole series, but I'm continuing to download the episodes. So far I have episodes 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 13, plus the two OVAs! I'm currently downloading episodes 5 and 12... I still have to find the others. I like all the characters, but Hiroshi and Ryuichi have to be my faves. Oh! And has anyone heard the song Ryuichi sings in episode 2 before Shuichi sings that "Rage Beat"? If anyone wants that song, email me if you have MSN or AIM because my stupid email won't let me attatch stuff... = =;; I also have the songs "Angel Dust", "Blind Game Again", "Rage Beat", "Time in my Heart" and a few others as well as "Glaring Dream"(I think) and "Super Drive", the beginning and ending themes.

Hiroshi Nakano is mine! <3 And no one is gonna steal him from me otherwise you will get blasted by my OCs... *snuggled up to Hiroshi* ^_^

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by scarlet on 2005-12-03 04:07:08
I have seen the whole series and movie and I have the complete episode on DVD and VCD. But I'm still collecting the soundtrack T _ T but I have some mp3's of the songs in gravi. Thanks to this website. hehehehehe ^ . ^

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by Jessie on 2005-12-03 06:16:07
There's a Gravitation MOVIE!? o.o; I wanna see it!!!!! ><; Where can I download it?! *puppy eyes* I love anything to do with Gravitation and before anyone says so, Hiroshi is MINE! *clings to Hiroshi* My Hiro-kun... *glaring anyone who goes near them*

Hiroshi Nakano is mine! <3 And no one is gonna steal him from me otherwise you will get blasted by my OCs... *snuggled up to Hiroshi* ^_^

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by eiri on 2005-12-13 22:56:20
I LOVE GRAVITATION!!!! I've seen all of the anime including the tv series and OVA!!! No one had better not taken Eiri. he is MINE!!!! *glares at anyone who goes near Eiri*

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by annita on 2005-12-13 23:26:12
Yay! Gravitation :D I love it. I have all of it in my anime libary and i'm proud of it :D My next aim is the manga, its not cheap at all in my country though... I've seen the OVA's too.

There is no movie if i'm not mistaken lol There are two OVA, and they are avaible on the net :D

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Re: Gravitation!
Link | by ShadowKitten05 on 2005-12-14 00:23:19
I love Gravitation. It's my second favorite manga series (Love Hina beats it out, lol)

I read the manga first. Got all 12 books in just two days.
When I saw the anime, I cried. It's not the same. It's CRAP as far as I'm concerned. They skipped around too much, and I don't like the way it ended. The manga made me happy cryful. The anime made me cry because it had a HORRIBLE ending.
To those of you who saw the anime but haven't read the manga - FOR SHAME. The anime is NOTHING compared to the manga.

Anyways, yeah. I love Gravitation. One of my favorite mangas definantly, but when it comes to anime, it doesn't compare. It's a love/hate relationship. lol.

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2005-12-14 04:52:57
hey,where do u guys get the OVAs n the movie??!!!!!tell me plz!!!
i love ryuichi sooooo much!!!n yuki as well..^_^

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Re: Gravitation!
Link | by ShadowKitten05 on 2005-12-14 11:52:38
I got them from a site that no longer exsists.
Sorry I can't help you. ^^;;

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by annita on 2005-12-14 12:10:10
I got them via Ares.. I dont think you can find them by bittorrent anymore lol So, try with Kazaa or Ares. or you can buy them if ypu have the money cause i dont :) That's nothing to laugh about though.. -o-

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Re: Gravitation!
Link | by Urchin on 2005-12-14 14:23:37
Go Kumagoro!!! (-:3


Re: Gravitation!
Link | by ~*Mel*~ on 2005-12-14 15:14:29
I LOVE Gravitation! It is by far one of my favorite anime, even though I haven't seen the last few episodes. I haven't gotten to the manga either but I plan to since everyone is saying its MUCH better. To me, the music is the best though! Anyways, is there a Gravitation movie? I only thought there were the OVA's and that's it.

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2005-12-18 21:43:11
i love it. its the reason why im insane but i totaly love it. it helped me pass my exams!!!!!!!!!!!! RYUICHI IS MINE!!! ALL MINE!!!


Re: Gravitation!
Link | by AnimeAngel27 on 2005-12-18 21:45:43 (edited 2005-12-18 21:47:19)
Gravitation absolutely rocks my socks! First it's shounen ai angst, second the music is what got me hooked, and third could anybody be hotter then Ryuichi when he's singing? And then his little split personality thing is so cute! He goes from totally cute like a teddy bear to hotty in seconds... it's a great plot too. What more could a shounen ai fan ask for?

Oh and Koori-chan you're gonna have to fight me for Ryuichi-kun!!LoL, Ryuichi is a God!!

"Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have any film..." "Friends are the people who know everything about you and still put up with you!" "Nothing in life is free, even death costs us."

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2005-12-18 21:49:36
i have the DVD collection
i haven't read the manga cause
my country ban
yaoi/yuri or shounen-ai/shoujo-ai
that's why i can't read the manga
uhh anyone read gravitation remix
it's >.<
they make out'

never regret for what you have done!!!!

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by kitty on 2005-12-18 22:49:44
to animeangel27 : don't you mean knock your socks off..:p just kidding

the remix is good, but if that's not enough you might want the megamix - also by maki murakami herself.-_-"........ignore me.......

I'm gonna steal Hiro from ya Wahahahaaha!!!!-_- yeah right.....

anyway- GRAVITATION ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Gravitation!
Link | by roasted hot green peas on 2005-12-19 18:09:07
with the exception of the music, i very much disliked the anime. besides the crappy ending and the unevenness of the storyline, the animators altered shuichi's appearance so much that you wonder if yuki's a pedophile. they kept the character designs of pretty much all the other characters from the manga - why couldn't they do the same with shuichi!?

i definitely love the manga. the anime did it little justice.

Re: Gravitation!
Link | by NinjaFox on 2005-12-20 00:18:39
yuyue hirakiseira, my country ban shonen/shojo ai also!

i totally love GRAVITATION!!!
my fav character is yuki eiri!!!

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