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Link | by on 2005-11-30 08:52:47 (edited 2005-11-30 08:58:50)
Which pairings do you like the most? And which are the worst-case-scenario-pairings for you? Any anime serie, but not crossovers ^^
I should warn you already, I'm an uncurable shonen-ai-obsessed ^^.

Personally, I like:

- Soushi/Kazuki (Soukyuu no Fafner)
- Yzak/Dearka (Gundam SEED)
- Shinn/Rey (Gundam SEED Destiny)
- Ryuichi/Shuichi (Gravitation)
- Fai/Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Cronicles)
- Yukito/Touya (Tsubasa Reservoir Cronicles)
- Daisuke/Satoshi (DNAngel)

And the WORST-case-scenario-pairings:

- Soushi/Maya (Fafner)
- Soushi/Canon (Fafner)
- Kazuki/Maya (Fafner)
- Shinn/Luna (Destiny)
- Rey/Luna (Destiny)
- Shinn/Stellar (Destiny)
- Other than that, ANYTHING other than the ones I mentioned.
(involving any of the characters I mentioned ^^)

Pairings that, for some reason, really freak me out, like, GROSS!!

- Rey/Gil (that's just... wrong)
- Dearka/Athrun (so wrong)
- Yzak/Nicol (sooo wrong)


Re: Pairings
Link | by camui on 2005-12-01 19:42:16 (edited 2005-12-01 19:42:53)
So am I! I'm more of a slasher though ^_^

I like:

~YukixKyo (Fruits Basket)
~RyuichixShuichi (Gravitation)
~YukitoxTouya(Card Captor Sakura)
~SasukexNaruto (Naruto)
~RukawaxSakuragi (Slam Dunk)
~MitsuixKogure (Slam Dunk)
~EijixOishi (Tennis No Ohjisama)
~FujixTezuka (Tennis No Ohjisama)
~NurikoxHotohori (Fushigi Yuugi)

Uhmmm... computer classes are over... get back to the list when I have time.. ^_^


Re: Pairings
Link | by olin on 2005-12-01 21:45:37
Fuu/Ferio (Magic Knight reyearth)
Rei/Aya(Super Gals)
Hitomi/Van(Tenku no Escaflowne)


Re: Pairings
Link | by kara-chan on 2005-12-01 23:20:13
May the slash reign supreme! XD

Ban/Ginji (Get Backers)
Sanzo/Goku (Saiyuki)
Edward/Ling (FMA manga)
Satoshi/Shigeru (Pokemon)
Taichi/Yamato (Digimon)
Gojyo/Hakkai (Saiyuki)
Kazuki/Juubei (Get Backers)

Re: Pairings
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-12-02 01:34:55
Some slash is nice...
Yukito x Touya[Cardcaptor Sakura]
Hijikata x Okita Souji[PeaceMaker Kurogane]

But I like normal pairings more though...
Syaoran x Sakura [Cardcaptor Sakura]
Tetsunosuke x Saya[PeaceMaker Kurogane]
Athrun x Cagalli[Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny]
Alucard x Seras Victoria[Hellsing]
Neji x Tenten[Naruto]
Yoh x Anna[Shaman King]
Shunsui x Nanao[Bleach]
Roy x Riza[FullMetal Alchemist]

Still got lots more though...

Re: Pairings
Link | by Tryn-chan on 2005-12-02 03:27:17
I'm more of a canon pairing worshipper...(Although I also have some favorite alternate pairings) And I have nothing against shonen-ai, so don't sue me...^^

Favorite pairings:
1.Kyou/Tohru (Furuba)
2.Yuki/Tohru (Furuba)
3.Inuyasha/Kagome (Inuyasha)
4.Miroku/Sango (Inuyasha)
5.Kenshin/Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin)
6.Misao/Aoshi (Rurouni Kenshin)
7.Haru/Rin (Furuba)
8.Yuuhi/Aya (Ayashi no Ceres)
9.Syaoran/Sakura (CCS)
10.Eriol/Tomoyo (CCS)

Freaky/Unacceptable (for me) Pairings:
1. Akito/Tohru (Furuba) - First of all, Akito is a girl. Second, he, or rather she, hates Tohru. And lastly, Tohru's better off with Kyou! (Oops, that's my fan girl alter ego speaking..^^)
2. Inuyasha/Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) - Folks, they LOATHE each other, tried to KILL each other countless times AND they're brothers! How freaky can you get?!
3. Soujiro/Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin) - Uhm...have they even *talked* with each other?
4. Sesshoumaru/Sango (Inuyasha) - I'll repeat the question. Have they even *talked* with each other without their companions?
5. Eriol/Kaho (CCS) - Even though this is a canon pairing, I just can't help but ask: what was the creator of CCS *thinking* when she paired up an elementary boy with a teacher?!

Re: Pairings
Link | by kirima on 2005-12-11 23:17:30 (edited 2005-12-11 23:19:24)
Hagaren/Fullemtal Alchemist pairings!!

#1: Liza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang!!
Maria Ross/Denny Brosh
Lan Fan/Ling Yao

And note that, while I'm a firm believer in the Liza/Roy pairing, I also think that a Liza Hawkeye/Kain Fury pairing would be adorable!! Don't worry, I already know I'm going to Hell.

Worst Case Scenario:

Anything involving those characters other than the ones I've mentioned. NOT Roy/Winry! NOT Ed/Maria! For the love of (insert desired anime character here), people! It's okay to go with the obvious pairings! And no shonen ai for the straight characters!!

Re: Pairings
Link | by swordmax on 2005-12-12 02:36:01

lol the others are not anime (i can be quite /is romantic *_* hehe)

Re: Pairings
Link | by sonic_ver2 on 2005-12-12 06:10:51
Hmm... About pairings, i found out that CCS has some good and weird pairings.

Good Pairings:
Sakura X Shaoran
Rika X Terada
Chiharu X Yamazaki
Akizuki X Touya

Weird Pairings:
Tomoyo X Sakura (not really a pairings, but... Tomoyo is somewhat love her)
Sonomi X Nadeshiko (Mom and daughter have the same characteristic huh?)
Touya X Yukito
Eriol X Mizuki

Actually i like :
Sakura X Shaoran
Eriol X Tomoyo
Akizuki X Touya

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Re: Pairings
Link | by nukeman on 2005-12-12 06:11:50
kurosaki ichigo n kuchiki rukia
uzumaki naruto n haruno sakura
roy mustang n lisa hawkeye

just nuke it

Re: Pairings
Link | by nikcxiee on 2005-12-16 10:19:42
as i said from before, i still support haruno sakura x uchiha sasuke pairings. though i would like sakura to feel some resentment towards him and dont worship him at all... but, oh well. it's still a cannon pair.

++ had kicked ass and still kicking a lot. ++

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