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What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2005-11-27 16:09:23
Simply put, what anime team (like Team Urameshi, the team from Bleach, etc) do you like best, why? Why do you think anime shows love teamwork most of the time?

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by on 2005-11-27 16:51:44 (edited 2005-11-27 16:51:54)
Let's see... I like the Recovery Service team from Get Backers... which only consists of Ginji and Ban, but sometimes the others join in as well, like in the Makubex saga. I like this team because I see them as amusing, as well as interesting due to contrast of personalities. We have the evil, cold blooded killer Akabane, and Ginji Amano, the one who goes into adorable chibi mode almost every second of the anime, working together (Rather humorously, I might add... xD).

Hmmm. I think anime shows love teamwork most of the time because it's entertaining, plus (like I talked about above) it shows different characters with diverse characteristics, that the watcher might be drawn to... I guess... o_o;;;

To sum it all up, teamwork is just fun to watch. xp

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by Photobucket on 2005-11-27 17:30:26
Bleach, Getbackers,


Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2005-11-27 17:59:00
Makes sense I guess! Remember the good old days (DBZ, gatchaman, beyblade, digimon, pokemon, etc) when teamwork was fun and happy? And used to defeat colorful bad guys? be a kid again....

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by AnimeFan on 2005-11-27 20:48:21
Bleach coz they have many web for fans

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Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by Liang san on 2005-11-27 21:38:21
Team Deimon from eyeshield 21

Fin. Nothing's better than kawaii girls.

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by kasumi on 2005-11-28 00:00:26
Team Urameshi, Bleach, Team Hokage from Flame of Recca, and Seigaku from Prince of Tennis.

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-11-28 00:36:31 (edited 2005-11-28 07:39:18)
team Deimon from eyeshield 21,ZAFT pilots(Athrun,Lunamaria,Shinn,Rey,Heine)and Team Rocket from pokemon

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-11-28 00:38:28
The Team from Bleach! They rock bigtime!

Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by sonic_ver2 on 2005-11-28 01:31:59
I agree with Bleach team. They're great!

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Re: What is your favorite anime team?
Link | by DamnitsCloudy on 2005-11-28 07:35:43
Does a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop count as team work? If so I'll take that one! Man I really need some new anime in my life =X

Marse Hughes

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