Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
These are the anime boy-girl twins (or dragon-phoenix twins from a direct translation from Chinese) that I know of: Mikage Aki/Aya (Ayashi no Ceres) Shannon/Racquel Casull (Scrapped Princess) Forcis/ Pacifica (Scrapped Princess) Is there any more? Btw do you guys know of the Chinese myth about these boy-girl twins? I may post this as a thread in Others. 届ã‹ãªãã¦ã‚‚ 追ã„ã‹ã‘㦠|
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
you forgot Kira/Cagalli anyway in that three you post i like aki and aya in ayashi no ceres but i prefer kira and cagalli
"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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by Aoi Hitomi (Blue Eyes)
on 2005-11-19 04:11:44
What about the twins in "Please Twins!/Onegai Twins!" Maiku Kamishiro and one of these two girls... Miina Miafuji or Karen Onodera I won't say which one is the real twin...that would spoil the ending! |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
There are also Subaru/ Hokuto Sumeragi from Tokyo Babylon/ X. They are my favorite twins. My second favorite bro/sis twins would be Aya/ Aki of Ayashi no Ceres.
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Kira & Cagalli ranks No.1...They're like the Taoist theory of Yin & Yang. |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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on 2005-11-19 06:19:16
@ Aki Kaede what is the myth? and, why is it called dragon-phoenix for boy-girl twins? m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N . |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
The dragon represents the boy and the phoenix, the girl. Both creatures are considered auspicious by the Chinese. So to have twins of both genders are said to be a blessing, hence the dragon-phoenix title for boy-girl twins...It's always dragon-phoenix instead of phoenix-dragon because boys are more valued among the Chinese as they carry the family surname even after marriage...Well something like that..=^^= |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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by tabatha_fear
on 2005-11-19 11:04:51
hey, you guys forgot #17 and #18 from DBZ! Those two are my favorite twins. |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Aya and Aki from Ayashi no Ceres |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Kira & Cagalli |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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on 2005-11-20 21:24:33
Kira and Cagalli!!
Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight. Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass. Love avatar-making and signature making. Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread. Avatar shop is now open Click here for details. Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much! |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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by xenphRAGEum
on 2005-11-20 22:16:18
does a combination count? uh, Ranma is one such.
Nasci Misrum, Vivere Poena, Angustia mori It is a misery to be born, A pain to live, and a trouble to Die. |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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on 2005-11-21 07:22:33
Kira and Cagalli |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Riku and Risa Harada...Risa gets on my nerves tho-.- The Asakura twins rule too! Ahhh...Hao O____________O *GLOMPS*
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Suiseiseki & Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden (well, not really, but Souseiseki looks like a boy...) and for something a bit more explicit... Yori & Iku from Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru - T |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Rin: The myth is in the "Other" Forum. Go check it out! 届ã‹ãªãã¦ã‚‚ 追ã„ã‹ã‘㦠|
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Kira Yamato&Cagalli Yula |
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
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by åƒé³¥ãŠãƒãƒ“
on 2005-11-25 22:03:24
I watched this anime a few months ago... 僕ã¯å¦¹ã«æ‹ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ - Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru The main character are twins (Iku & Yori). They fell in love with each other...quite romantic and sad story. They committed a taboo :( mi-chan
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
Tweddledee/ Tweddledum from Kiddy Grade That's the only twin pair I can remember. The other was already stated.
dunno what to write now...
oh yeah... i'm gonna be crazy now...
Re: Anime Boy-Girl Twins...
kira and cagalli.. ugh!! |