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Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by pirateking888 on 2004-09-23 21:07:59
Foxbox sucks, and I'm guessing every hardcore, or even regular anime fan out there despises it as much as I do!! I made this thread to point out all the aspects of good animes that they butchered with bad dubbing, music, coloring, and blocking out the good stuff.I love kirby and they destroyed him!!!!! f-zero was o.k. but they smoldered it!! And now, my beloved One Piece has been taken by the Foxbox and is being turned into a baby show as we speak!!!!!! let's bash on foxbox!!! I call it the Fu(*&ed up Box!!!!!!


Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by mizuno on 2004-09-24 03:44:03
The shows have to be edited in order to air on US television. If you don't like the free "butchered" version, then shell out the $$ and buy the uncut DVDs. Complaining over something free is beyond stupid

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by cristi on 2004-09-24 13:51:37
I do think that the new fox programs stink. They know longer show any shows that alot of us kids like. I mean i know plenty of people who still watch monster rancher. But yeah their shows anymore are not fun to watch.

Hi i am bored.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Aramis on 2004-09-24 16:50:07
There's no anime in TV where I am, but I much rather watch DVDs and fansubs, dubbing means on average a 400% decrease in quality

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Aozame on 2004-09-24 17:50:12
dubbing means on average a 400% decrease in quality
Not really, depending on the company. There are some excellent dubs out there, but you only generally hear about the worst ones...

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Jim on 2004-09-25 21:31:17
Yeah, I'm not sure what's going through that thick skull of 4Kids' anime production. But their choice of where to put the anime just simply stinks.
And I also hate how they're treating One Piece too. I mean, here's a great anime that's been handed over to a not so great dubber that's put on this network.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Koinu-chan on 2004-09-25 23:59:25
Fox in general has gone downhill. The channel doesn't intrest me anymore. No real good shows are on there. I mean, Shaman King's on there and stuff, but still. I don't know what's happened...Fox used to be so good...I'd watch it ALL THE TIME...but now it sucks. I don't really even watch television in general anymore. I only have 5 channels and they all basically suck. I live off of DVDs now. *shrug*

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Cesia on 2004-09-26 16:15:23
Well.... i would join the club.... if i knew what the heck foxbox was!!! (just heard of it is all..)

Life is just a dream, you know...

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Sephiroth191 on 2004-09-26 17:48:53
They make the art of anime look like CRAP!!!
they are giving japanese cartoonists a bad name by showing cartoons that copy anime.

"All tremble before the awesome might of......this peace..of..cheese!?"

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by pirateking888 on 2004-09-27 22:15:47
You'd think that an anime that has rough lines and color would look better redone. But the FOXBOX has a way of making the colors seem so childish and horribly WRONG!!!!!!!!!


Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Jake on 2004-10-02 15:12:11
Is Mizuno the only logical person in this thread or am I just dreaming? You people are complaining about something that really should not matter. Nobody is forcing you to watch them, I'm sure most of you download the Japanese episodes anyway. And besides, even if an anime like, say, One Piece is horribly dubbed, it's not like the original Japanese version is going to be affected by it, so you might as well watch that and pretend that the dub doesn't exist.

~ Jake

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by gendou on 2004-10-02 15:18:49
i agree with you ! unfortunately, many of my users sit home and watch TV all day instead of doing important or interesting things with their lives. my tv retired and is now a fish tank. however, i do not own any fish.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Blank on 2004-10-09 20:17:52
I dunno. I think you should all get over it. I must admit, I was disappointed with how poorly Shaman King's storyline was transferred from the manga to the anime, but there's no use complaining. I just stopped watching it.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Kay on 2005-03-07 20:03:14
well, I cant really pass a judgement, considering that I've never seen fox box, but I have had expierences with verrrry bad dubbing (%$#^&*@ Kazaa), and now I dont think that I will ever watch it now, thanks for the advice ^.^X_X

*Insert amusing quote or witty comment here*

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by kittycatsarecute on 2005-06-30 15:06:58
i agree strongly........they totally killed anime with fox-box


Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Black_Haru on 2005-07-25 00:54:01
it all about the money with them so it harder on fan like us
especially when you know that anime could done a whole
lot better....(it pain us so)

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Rukia on 2005-08-11 14:07:24
They destroyed the One Piece empire and then burned it to ash.-_- I despise how they put the most crappiest shows on that channel.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-11 15:05:04
The crappy rap song they replaced "We Are" with made my heart wrench. And when I heard the dubbing on One Piece I immediatly named it #2 on my list of worst dubs. They didnt even have a ending song for it, just commercials for their other crappy series. It makes me sad knowing that all the little kids stuck watching FoxBox will think of One Piece as mediocre anime when they dont know its real value.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Join the "we hate foxbox club!"
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-18 23:10:39
As bad as the dub for One Piece is, Mizuno and Jake are absolutely right. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH IT. However, you ARE technically allowed (I don't see any rule against it yet) to make threads to rant about how bad it is. Just like some of us don't have to watch One Piece's bad dub, the people who oppose ranting don't have to come onto a rant thread.

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