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Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by ...JapanZDemOnz... on 2005-11-13 00:28:05
What is Your Favorite character in Naruto? I just to know that..
My favorite character is......

1] KAKASHI_SENSEI~!!! Nyoho4x!
2] Sasuke
3] Mr. Guy [i mean Guy Sensei]
4] Lee..

How about you?


Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by Missing h0me on 2005-11-13 00:36:02
Well mine is naruto and hinata hyuga

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by kasumi on 2005-11-13 00:47:11
my favorite character in naruto would be Kakashi and Sasuke

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by EmAn on 2005-11-13 01:40:08

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by b0red-chan on 2005-11-13 01:42:19
kakashi-sensei !!!


Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-11-13 02:04:55
All of them ^_^


Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by phil on 2005-11-13 02:43:09
Neji Hyuuga


Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by Novacaine on 2005-11-13 02:50:19
Top 5

1.) Rock Lee
2.) Hinata
3.) Naruto
4.) Shino (LOVE his new look!)
5.) Shikamaru

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by doo7749 on 2005-11-13 03:11:21

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by fantasymania on 2005-11-13 04:15:21
I hate sasuke.
no offense to the millios of fans who LOVE him. Im just one of those rare people who dont like him.

Naruto, gaara, kakashi and Lee are DA BEST!!! I LUV DEM >_<

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by on 2005-11-13 04:28:54
don't really like kakashi though..

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by uchiha.michelle on 2005-11-13 05:07:41
My top 3...
1. New Haruno Sakura (after time jump)
At first I consider her as a weak annoying girl who doesn't even know how to fight. All she could think is about boy. But after the time jump (just look at the manga, you could download it at, I really surprised to know that she's changed, a lot. Well, thanks for Tsunade for teaching her. She's braver, much more stronger, not annoying anymore, and more focus on her duty as a shinobi, and also a medical-ninja. She's really cool when she examine and save Kankurou. And she prove her strengh when she fight Sasori. Now she's my favorite character!
2. Uchiha Sasuke (before going to Orochimaru)
I know that he's just a cold man, and all he could think about is revenge. But I love how he determined to become stronger, and he's just so damn cute!
3. Hyuuga Neji
He's really cool, and I really like him.

However, I also like Shikamaru, Kakashi, and Tsunade!

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by nichol-chan on 2005-11-13 05:27:12

"Think happy thoughts...happy thoughts...Ice-cream...Puppies...FAT PEOPLE FALLING DOWN"

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by lacus on 2005-11-13 06:17:18
Attitude-wise, i'd choose Lee and Gai. (What, they're hardworking! don't stare at me...)

For the 1000 years of pain, i choose kakashi...

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by nukeman on 2005-11-13 07:20:12
jiraiya n naruto n yondaime

just nuke it

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2005-11-13 15:07:03
I <3<3 Kakashi. =D

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by xaige on 2005-11-13 16:19:18
i like kakashi. his very talented.
then sakura (after her training with tsunade)
and naruto, his funny...

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by tak on 2005-11-13 16:23:09
I like Saske's Brother


Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by xaige on 2005-11-13 16:27:20
yah itachi is nice to... its just that his a psycho... hihi =P

Re: Your Favorite character in Naruto
Link | by Mousuke on 2005-11-13 17:36:54
-Neji, he's one of the best fighters of the show. I also admire his perseverence to become stronger even though he's just a Branch House member. Neji's a good guy with good fashion sense and really really nice silky black hair. Hawt!
-Shino. He's one of the most obscure characters and we almost never see him, but on the rare occasion that we get to watch him fight it's apparent that he really CAN fight. Plus, he's a hottie, I'm totally in love with his new look. XD
-Shikamaru. Who doesn't love Shikamaru? He's so freaking smart, can fight really well, and looks manly in the chuunin vest. ^_^
-Kakashi. Enough said.
-Lee. His exuberance can get a little annoying, but he can bust some awesome moves. And he was the most adorable little kid ever. ^_^
-And one of my very favorite characters from Naruto is Aoba. Do you remember Aoba? Probably not. He's one of the random hot ninjas you see from time to time in the background, and he wears very stylish sunglasses with red rims. ^_^ He was also the one who burst into Kakashi's room in ep. 80-something and was all like "OMG! ITACHI'S BACK?! WHAT?! HUH?! HE'S BACK?! AND HE'S AFTER NARUTO?!" and Sasuke was all like "ANGST!" and thus a horrible chain of events occurred, resulting in Sasuke running off to become evil and an unwelcome flood of bad filler episodes. See? Aoba is a very important character. XD

"Chidori!.....It's just a coincidence." ~Sagara Sousuke

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