Gendou, are you really closing the website?
If you are actually planning to could you please reconsider. I appreciate that I can listen to lots of different anime music when I am on this website. Also, if you have to close the website, could you tell me when?
"Children are our future, unless we stop them now!" Homer Simpson from The Simpsons
Re: Gendou, are you really closing the website?
Link |
on 2004-09-16 16:02:24
maybe, we will see. if i can fix all the problems caused by my mailing list blunder, there would be no need to close. however, i have a 20 hour/week job, 5 college classes, and a girlfriend, so i may not upload much anymore. |
Re: Gendou, are you really closing the website?
I kind of know what you mean. I've got 4 upper level college classes, 10 hr/wk job, and I find little free time for things. I don't even want to think how little free time you have with all that. Don't know if you know about this site or not, but it might come in handy. Lot of good stuff there. |