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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-02 08:31:04 (edited 2006-03-08 10:27:30)
First I played the game, I really thought it was more like of Threads of Fate, Guardian's Crusade, etc; opened the toolbox, wondered that those hammer, sickle, hoe, axe, watering can?? were his selection of weapons. XD Later did I find out that it's actually FarmWork! I didn't notice the 'harvest' part in the title.

Anyways, I had my eyes set on Ann in my first game. It's because I somewhat see myself in her; more of a tomboy, loves animals, loves to cook (Umm... I don't cook much), too cute and gullible, and sometimes... reckless. (She always burns her hand.)

The second game, I had Mary. And just like me as well, she likes reading books, staying in libraries, having weird preferences for blue/green grasses and poisonous mushrooms which all the other girls dislike so much.

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Hattori on 2005-11-03 18:37:49
oooo i love that game i used to play it for me i only played it once and i got karen i kept on giving her wines and stuff, this makes me wanna make me play it again xD

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-11-03 18:55:36
Karen first time through, Elli second time through, and Pouporri (did I spell that right) third time through.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-11-04 00:03:05
i always get ellie and got a child. playing the 4th year until my memory card spoilt QQ OH NUU~~~ MY DEAR ELLIE+KAREN+POPURI+ETC ETC... (i married all the girls)


Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-04 00:39:09
It's simply Popuri. You know how mostly Japanese spell out names as how they would pronounce them.

And yeah, I was also thinking of marrying them all. You can have only one save file where you are really eligible into marriage and have the necessary preparations, then just make 5 more files for the five girls: Ann, Marry, Karen, Elli, and Popuri. Do not overwrite the original.

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by grey0zero on 2005-11-08 21:57:13
ellie, then karen

I fear no evil for I am fear incarnate!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Aria on 2005-11-08 22:47:02
I wasn't able to finish the game cause, man, the game is so time killing...I just can't sit back and play games all month long...My parents are going to kill me for the electric bill and I needed to study and study (sighs) -_-
Anyway, I really loved the game even though it took a lot of time for me...I can still remember, my first girl was Elli because she's a very soft and cute girl. I actually I got to the part when I married her. And my second was Karen, the cool and mature type of person. I think sometimes she acts so cool and confident at times but she's still a girl and she just probably wants to be loved like any other girls... but you know what I was thinking on courting Ann as well but we did go out but I still preferred Karen.
Harvest Moon...Brings back the memories...(sighs) -_-


Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-11-10 02:02:37
True... you can't imagine the hours gone by... anyways... im at my 4th year... and everything is getting repetative... but still strangely fun...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-12 13:55:13
Aye, strangely fun indeed. I'm already in my 5th month, Summer! My favorite season because you reap rich pineapples that boost your money so damn fast! I think my money is from around 2M (G).

With the large farm I'm having, I almost consume half an hour just for a day! Eh, when I plant, I make sure that everything in the fields is full of crops! =D Inside my ref, I have already stored as many as 99x of every crops there is to gain in the game; 99 fish, 999 fodder & chicken feed... in these days, all you need to think of is how to spend your overwhelming wealth! Though I still regard Zack as the wealthiest, well he can just buy any amount of pineapples that you would throw in the bin!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by grey0zero on 2005-11-12 19:51:53
jeez because of this forum i started playing again.
not that im complaining it's a fun and addicting game.
im in my 4th year married to elli and 3rd year married to karen.

I fear no evil for I am fear incarnate!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-22 20:17:36
I'm still playing it up to now! I'm in my... umm. 7th year? XD
If I have the time, I just clean the farm, not to mention the crops on the soil, then just harvest everything that're ready to be shipped. Oh yeah, and the cows and sheep. =)

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-11-23 01:54:01 (edited 2005-11-23 01:54:52)
The new PS2 version... Harvest Moon: A wonderful Life(a port from its Gamecube Version) its... kinda... well... slow... isn't it? too bad... i had such high hopes that "A wonderful Life" was decent enough to play than the Harvest Moon:STH...

well... at least I have Harvest Moon:Back to Nature from PS1...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-05 21:42:29
Oi, good thing that you appreciate HM: Back2Nature. @ Lu Bu
Though, I would want to play the other versions, but if you speak of the game as that, I'll take it from you. =)

YAY!!! for farmers! XD

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-06 09:52:13
do you already play harvest moon friends of mineral town for just same as BTN,but with improvement of course

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Li on 2005-12-07 02:13:09
I played the PS1 version [Back To Nature]....i was about to get a kid from Karen when my memory card broke down on me...(T_T) sad......i haven't played it since...3 months ago...oh, and Zack's the delivery guy it think...he just picks ur stuff up...still don't know where he gets the cash to pay you though....(flash-back)...sigh....

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-07 10:41:15
Hmmm... a lot of weird things do happen in the game, let's see. To enumerate some, I'll have to start with your HOUSE.

Point 1
He wakes up with a food, his breakfast actually. Now, where does he get that? Considering that in the first game, he didn't have a ref or food storage. And it's free! Now, saving money from the start is hard and frustrating that you'd wish he shouldn't have eaten that piece of food, and instead, he should've throw it in the bin for profit! XD

Point 2
Ummm... where does he do his habitual "thingies"? XD You know... uhh, it's not like he'll do those in the public bath, now would he? And even if you have had your 2nd house extension, there's still no proper place for those! Wow, so in those times, bathrooms were not that necessary at all! Hahaha...

Point 3
How come you can't eat the stuff that your wife prepares when there's a special occasion?

Point 4
Let's say you've almost worked all day, starting as early as 6am (usually), but you didn't get tired at all, you just did all the tasks. But then it's already 5-10 mins before 6am! You'll be needing a good sleep. Now, if you go into bed, you'll wake up as early as 6am too! That'll be 5-10 mins of sleep all for working all day long! Compare that to sleeping by 6pm, but really exhausted, to the point that he'll collapse. You'll end up waking by 10am/ 12nn, even though it's 12 hrs of sleep!

Let's move outside...
(1) They grow fast, but then let's say you've reached 5th-10th years... any changes? They don't age at all! They remain as healthy and as fat and as cute as new! ^_^

(2) When you milk a cow, press X into the apple tree beside your house, you get free container/bottle to fill in the liquid.

(3) Place your animals outside in bad weathers, they won't die (fortunately), though the hearts would somehow decrease, but still they wouldn't die even if we're talking about HURRICANES/SNOWSTORMS!

(4) Villagers don't grow. EVEN YOU! Say you got married, got a child and so on. For a couple of years, your baby can now walk. Look at Stu and May, they're same as old. I don't even think that Ellen (Elli's grandma) will die if the baby turns 10 or so.

This one's pretty funny. In winter, you can't feed your fish because the water has frozen. By spring, it goes back and the fish are still alive, big and intact. Put one in the freezer, then allow it to remain there for a week/month. Put it out and return it to the fish pond, it's A-L-I-V-E!!! (Well, you can say there's the principle of cryonics... but then an ordinary refrigerator could not make it possible! LMAO )

Mining Sites
(1) How is it that there's a very unusual mine over the lake and winter's lake? Who constructed those ladders leading to the bottom?

(2) Ores: bronze, silver, gold; Mystriles, orichalcums, adamantites are so damn cheap!!!! If you compare the prices to the price of a corn/potato... My my... now that's totally weird!

Ok, I think I need to take a break and recall every weird stuff since I haven't played the game for a year. Now, if you know else more, please do share. 'CAUSE THEY'RE HELLA FUNNY!!! Well, this is not to diss the game, actually you can excuse them for it's cuteness overcomes everything!

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by on 2006-04-05 01:34:19
the game is cute... hmmm... yah, i also noticed those weird things in the game..

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-06-11 17:19:31
I like this game a little because this game is a time killer. True, the characters, animals and the environment are cute but the gameplay is so slow.

If the character is inside the house or barn, the speed is fast. It turns slow again when going out the barn.

VICTORY goes to the only one who is the bravest!
If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!-->

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by suviez on 2006-06-27 08:48:01 (edited 2006-06-27 08:48:52)
Ya, the game is fun but it took most of my time to play it -.-" also it slow
until now .. i haven`t finish the game, I giving up of the game
And, those weird thing is really catch my mind to think about it but i did not find the reason :P

Re: Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-28 08:14:09
nice game,i love it since it is very cute^^

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