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Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-01-12 19:49:55
In the fight against the brainless villains who shamelessly thieve my precious mp3 links, I am now the self announced victor!
Not only does my counter help me find the culprits by collecting referring pages, but as a new deterrent i have added a filter in the dl.php file such that no out-of-domain (evil, bad, nasty, suns-of-a-tuk) referrals are allowed access to the juicy url link to the real mp3 files. In addition, repeat offenders are banned from accessing any of my pages. this system seems full-proof (and fool-proof) but no doubt i will find some tricksy little hobbits's who think they can outsmart THE GENDOU, and they will be very disappointed indeed once i thwart their evil plans to rip me off and get away with it. mwahaahhahaha!!

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by KA on 2004-01-13 19:56:50
Er...What's direct linking?


Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-01-14 00:56:08
direct linking is when people make thier own music page like mine but instead of uploading their own songs, they steal my links and claim that they own those songs.

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by KA on 2004-01-16 14:25:07
Oh. Must be infuriating, huh? I've heard the term used many times but I didn't actually know what it meant. Thanks.


Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-01-27 22:59:28 (edited 2005-02-19 06:06:09)
I have made some progress, there are still a few people who refuse to cooperate. those people get put on my ban list, so they can reconsider.

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by Yuffie on 2004-01-28 11:00:21
OMG! I AM SOOOO SORRY! I didn't even know I linked the song to your site! I could've sworn I used my own song link! grr............I feel like such an idiot!
Well, I did remove it, but I still don't know how in the world I got your link. Maybe someone tampered with my diary. I dunno. My link might have gotten saved as a different username. Crap!
Once again, I am so incredibly sorry! please forgive me. *bows*

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by jarudin on 2004-03-14 09:07:05
What is the first number after 'Banned:' on your banned list. I was wondering if you could also block IP's comming from behind a firewall/router (using PHP ofcourse)

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-18 17:43:24
the first number after banned: is the song id that was being accessed.
if your behind a firewall, i will block your firewall. problem solved. ^_^

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by jarudin on 2004-03-19 10:33:26
The question is a tad more complicated .. I want to be able to ban a single pc, instead of the entire LAN or whatever may be hiding behind the actual IP

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-21 22:04:10
say i have DSL, and i make a small network
my laptop is and my desktop is the router is
then i go flame on some irc channel using my laptop (wireless). the irc chanop looks up my ip and bans i am banned from my laptop, and from my desktop, and from anything plugged into that router.
say i am at the office, and i really hate the guy in the cubicle nexto me. i cannot ban him from my music website without bannning my own office computer as well. there is no way to do that on the SERVER side, because the INTERNET does not know anything about your own private INTRANET, and thats the way it should be.
the alternative is to create password or some other protection, and not let him have it, the jerk.

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by wowfood on 2004-03-26 03:47:08
Yo, is it ok to put your stuff in my shared folder in kazaa or would you prefer not

Memories are good but thats all they are, memories... Nothing more, nothing less

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by bob on 2004-03-26 10:52:46
Dang it!!!!!It won't let me download songs! -_- can some please tell me how???


Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-26 18:49:57
bob: what wont let you download? kazaa? my website?

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by jarudin on 2004-03-28 02:16:48
Here's how you stop people from direct linking:
Make a script that gets the date (y,m,d,h) and combine those numbers using an algorithm which will never come to the same number again (each date result in a specfic number, and it should be impossible to trace the algorithem).
You need two similar algorithms, one on the download (index.php) page, and one in the download handeler (download.php - I think it was)
Everytime the index page loads the magical number will be determined and added to all download links, and will be sent through GET to the download handler. The download handler will also determine the magical number, if the two are the same (expected) the download will begin. If someone rips the link it will be broken after 1 hour ^__^
The date is a non-constant superglobal and can be used for all sorts of 'creative' solutions. The trick is to do it in a way noone can track down.

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by gendou on 2004-03-28 19:18:02
yea i already did that
notice that there is a "code" that rotates every 24 hours, in other words i used the date and the php crypt(salt) function.
i would love to see if someone could crack my salt, but i doubt it would happen within the millennia.

Re: Gendou vs. Direct Linking
Link | by 2MB on 2004-04-18 02:58:08
Great jobby at that! ^^

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