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Can we make universes
Link | by qwe on 2004-09-09 18:58:56
read the thread about space final frontier. If there can be an infinite number of dimensions and universes. can we make them if we become advanced enough?
P.S. It would be cool if we made like a 2D universe where the people are like anime characters.

Re: Can we make universes
Link | by Urza02 on 2004-10-15 03:13:22
The theory behind its creation would harken back to a similarly created universe, meaning our own. A phenomena known as a quantum string which is also formally a theory at present would allow for an enormous amount of effect to be generated with infintesimally small effort if it could be adequately manipulated. This would require a huge investment both in the scientific and military departments of development not limited to the NASA space agency among others. This is simply to give you an idea of the scope of the question which you are asking but to state it simply:
Yes we could.

It wouldnt be as much fun if it were easy.

Re: Can we make universes
Link | by Ivory on 2005-02-17 18:17:58
Yah---I believe we could.

And if not---we can always have our own little worlds inside our heads, right? ^-^~!

*O mai oh korosu*

Re: Can we make universes
Link | by Zen Havok on 2005-02-18 07:09:06
I dont think we ever could...Yes,there are theories but they as just that.You'll need a little extra something which god has to make something that incredible...yup

So dark the con of men...

Re: Can we make universes
Link | by FullMetal Alchemist Fan on 2005-06-04 18:31:58
i believe that God is an evolved human.
he is from a time when we humans learned how to travel back in time.
he traveled so far back to before time began, thus he started it all.
God created man in his own image, thus we are.
though once he went that far back he could not return to his original time.

the only problem is that who created him to begin with-he would have created himself.

Please visit www.castleoblivion.bravehost. com

Re: Can we make universes
Link | by kebinu on 2005-07-25 00:11:39
What if universes recylcled themsleves, and could recreate themsleves. Like the Big bang theory. It says that it took place in a region no larger than a period. But how small is a period. Maybe that region the size of a period was a universe, and something happened inside it that made it unfold its space and matter.

The shortest distance between a problem and a solution, is the distance between your knees and the floor.

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