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Current Events
Link | by gendou on 2003-12-27 14:21:28
RUZ, care to comment about the recent quake that killed 5,000 poeple in iran? thats scarry stuff. on the west cost where i live we just had a quake about that size but it only killed 2 people. that must be because we are used to quakes out here in cali.

Re: Current Events
Link | by RUZ on 2003-12-27 15:57:57
its actually 20 000 dead now. i was happy to see humanitarian help arrive so fast. russai was the first, then france. for some reason every time theres a quake in california, theres one in the middle east; its like a see-saw effect. thank god my family lives in the north.

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Current Events
Link | by RUZ on 2004-02-23 00:10:21
as a human being i beg u you; vote bush OUT of office for GOOD. get rid of that screw up. he fucked up the states pretty bad. anyhOOO, i hate bush!!!!! any comments?

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Current Events
Link | by Magi Neko Sama on 2004-02-23 16:27:46
..passing the "Patriot Act", I have to have TWOforms of identification!!! just to cash a stinkin check!! >< grrrrr I hate Pres. Bush SO much!!! he's such a stupid monkey! and I can't wait until he's gone out of office..

"If one is to become a lady, one must not chew on her chopsticks!"

Re: Current Events
Link | by gendou on 2004-02-24 00:05:14
i am definitely voting against bush! bush is attempting to ruin this great country. the bush administration is a bully. it makes me embarrassed too be an American.

Re: Current Events
Link | by RUZ on 2004-02-24 07:14:37
if only he died when he chocked ob the pretsil.....
if he gets elected again there might even be a ww3. i hope he trips on the air force one stairs and breaks his neck..... maybe take laura with him too... lol lol BUSH = END OF AMERICA

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Current Events
Link | by knoxinator on 2004-04-26 17:57:31
What does Bush have to do with the quake in Iran? I wonder.

Re: Current Events
Link | by Joachim on 2004-05-06 14:09:26
When I was just starting college, and before I had an established bank account, all the banks require TWO forms of ID (driver's license and College ID in my case) to cash any sort of check. That was back in 1985. Banks around here always require TWO forms of ID to cash a check if you don't have an established account with them. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. So what does that have to do with the Patriot Act?

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