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Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-10-21 04:51:19
I haven't seen Gundam seed destiny but i have read a bit about it, and I was just wondering if it's any good? Should I order the DVD's? Please help me!

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Twinblade on 2005-10-21 05:27:37
It is good for the first half of the series, excluding Shinn, his an annoying brat. For the second half, too many flashbacks are included, the worse part is, those flashbacks are sloted in towards the end of the series, about episode 40-48, it kills of the intensity, overall i give it 7.5/10

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by HaTEcHOC on 2005-10-21 07:51:49
to me, gsd is good,in a sense of being particularly average.i do like all the gundams n of course, athrun zala rocks but that's all to it.gsd is not the best gundam series to me but i think owning the dvd won't harm you.well,ask for other people's opinions as well!but gsd got great songs, n the characters are beautifully's just that the plot n character development kinda let me down.

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Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-10-21 12:31:50
thanx to those who have posted and I hope more people give me there opinions!

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by ZGMF-X20A on 2005-11-09 23:53:03
YA its great..the plot is nice especially the twist near the end about the "destiny plan". The characters have a more matured look as compared to Gundam Seed where they all look so young and innocent. On the whole to me it is worth it owning the VCD or DVD...

"This is mankind's dream! ...To be stronger than others. To be ahead of others. To be above others!"-Raul Le Cruz

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Zero on 2005-11-10 00:15:01
One would think it would be good if they've never seen SEED, but if you're watching it after you've seen SEED, SEED Destiny is just a bit above average.

For those without dreams, may you die in peace...

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Bernz on 2005-11-10 00:26:56
I say the anime is good and its worth buying. But the ultimated decision lies with u, Murrue Ramius, of course.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2005-11-11 18:02:24 (edited 2005-11-11 18:03:16)
Well I'm a hardcore Gundam fan, so I admit...I'm kinda biased towards the Universal Century series (Gundam, Z Gundam, Gundam ZZ, Char's Counterattack, F-91, V Gundam, 0080, 0083, and 08 MS team)

However I did love SEED...Now SEED Destiny I have very mixed feelings towards. The first half of the series, the show is divided between Athrun and Shinn, who was supposed to bring a new perspective and feelings towards the show...Kira was suppose to be kind of a supporting char, who made an appearance once in awhile.
Now the 1st half of the series, it is a fast paced series with a lot of action and story jammed in. Almost blew away SEED right there and then. For some reason Bandai shifted the story at the midway point, and made Kira the main character, with a few Shinn episodes here and there...and of course started to suck up to the fanboys/fangirls out there, and make changes to the original plots as they went. As a result, Shinn became a mediocre villian...and the ending became a sad rehash of the original series.

Destiny shows both how to do and how not to do a Gundam series. IF, and only IF, they happen to do another SEED series...I hope that they learn that fast paced story and action, with new characters and new stories is a way to go...rather than stick with characters recycled over and over again.

Is Destiny worth opinion...probably if you are a SEED fan and you want to know where it is going. I'll buy the first half at least.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-11-11 19:56:53
i say go and bittorent everything

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-11-11 23:31:38
good in the beginning...decline slowly toward the end

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Aozame on 2005-11-12 18:36:48
short answer: no.

Long answer: Hell no.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by xaige on 2005-11-12 21:37:59
well it is good for a gundam series for it has a lot of action scenes but... the story... it lacks growth... then it sucks.... then it sucks some more towards the end.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Yuki on 2005-11-12 22:46:43
And So On...

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Euphony on 2005-11-12 23:07:36
A bunch of nerdy asian fanatics killed it for me :( I stopped watching at episode 10, then slowly started to hate it cuz those fanatics were so annoying

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-11-12 23:42:40
well it's not only asian, you know, that are annoying...take naruto fanatics for was ok overall for gs series, it's just the fangirlism or fanboyism that kept the ppl going.....well i was one of those but i'm not totally biased about how good it is....i do criticize lot...

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-12-08 17:54:56
thanx to all those who have posted so far! I was also wondering if it's in english lol or does it just have english subtitles. ^_^ And by the results I've gotten I think I'm going to get the boxset!

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by flashfox on 2005-12-09 09:50:56
If your a Kira/Lacus/Asuran/Cagalli, AKA the bad guys fan. get it. you'll love it. stick with it

If you hate them, avoid it like the plauge. I know i would have, i would have never watched it.

or on second thought, watch the anime up to 38. yeah. then drop the series.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-12-10 18:01:13 (edited 2005-12-10 18:08:19)
I do like Kira, Lacus, Athrun and Cagalli, but I'm a really big Murrue and Mwu fan! I've read that the ending sucked, but I've also seen that alot of the ending has Neo/Mwu and Murrue in it.

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by destinygirl on 2005-12-10 18:43:39
GSD is really good, especially the fighting scenes. And so far, it's not in English yet, but it is currently being subbed by English voice actors.

My Blog: Gundam Seed Plus ^_^

Re: Is Gundam Seed Destiny good?
Link | by Jabba on 2005-12-10 19:52:41
What do you think is going to happen in the third Gundam Seed???

I really love the Seed series...
There's not just the wonderful fighting...
There's... *Graps*
A real storyline to them! :P

I Support Muraki x Tsuzuki

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