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Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 22:01:24 (edited 2005-10-19 23:05:17)
This forum is missing a RPG!!! MAKE YOUR CHARACTER, AND GO ON THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIVES!!!! Miko has showed me a major error, I didn't make this clear, YOU are supposed to make YOUR OWN character, 1 character per person, and you interact with the OTHER characters which OTHERS create, it's not a compilation of everyone's ideas into a character.

1. We need a name, a profession, some skills you can do, and if you're a new char, introduce yourself and tell us how you tie into the story line. Your profession can be anything you wish (say a robot) as long as you justify it (you travelled back in time), but make it interesting. The year is set at about the time of chivalry and all that crap. It's a fantasy world, time doesn't exist.

2. Remember a couple of things, we're trying to work together, so don't rig yourself like you have gameshark turned on and everyone else is just some crappy NPC.

3. We're not trying to publish this or sell this, it doesn't have to be extra fancy with all your attack names and stuff all written out in a 40 page essay.

4. I will be dungeon master, I will be all enemies, npcs, bosses, treasure chests, trees, dogs, cats, mountains. You have to decide what to do! All the outcomes of your actions will be decided by the rolling of my 1000 sided die (seriously, I have one). Usually bigger number means in your favor, and smaller number means in the opponents' favor.

5. Make your story part RED so I know which parts to look at, here's the HTML script for that < font color="RED">TEXT HERE< /font>. Take away the space infront of the words font, and /font, and it'll come out like so... TEXT HERE

In the Aegis Calender year 112, an evil (woooo scary) sorcerer has summoned an UNSPEAKABLE EVIL!!! This evil sorcerer has threatened to take the Kingdom Celtus (i'll think of a better name if someone opposes to this one) and all its inhabitants as his slaves. The twist is that the UNSPEAKABLE EVIL is TOO POWERFUL for him to control, so he ran off and hid in the mountains. The UNSPEAKABLE EVIL has released his MINIONS OF DOOM upon the fair land of Gendouworld (remind me to come up with a better name). Hundreds of towns perish with-in an hour's passing, and YOU (i'm speaking to the general population) can STOP HIM!!!!

First hero has to come from Celtus(? name undecided at this point in time) so go ahead, surprise me.

Remember to check this thread for frequent updates, and also to make your move yeah? I will keep track of everybody's status on a SWEET SPREADSHEET PROGRAM! let's make this a good one.

I'll eat you.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by on 2005-10-19 22:29:29 (edited 2005-10-19 22:31:19)
Sounds fun! Let me try. I'll help for a bit to keep this forum up.

The hero sweared to his sword that he will protect Gendouworld...

I'll come back when I got more ideas.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 23:03:08 (edited 2005-10-19 23:03:36)
you're supposed to BE the hero miko... i guess i didn't make that clear enough...

I'll eat you.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-20 00:52:51
a light bump

I'll eat you.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-20 01:18:29
The hero's friend Jomunga comes to aid the hero in his quest but quickly becomes victim to a MINION OF DOOM due to his lack of equipment

God dammit. Soneone take me to the nearest temple for a resurrection and give a god damn +5 mace.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-20 01:58:56
that's not the point, the poin is to MAKE a hero and KILL things... not GET killed... unless......

Jomunga was brought to the nearest temple after his defeat, and was soon resurructed. During his time of unconciousnous, he has discovered his secret powers to control the elements, and becomes a black mage.

SOmthing along the lines of that... BUT DON"T GO WIT THAT! THAT"S BAD SHIZNITZ

I'll eat you.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-20 13:21:06 (edited 2005-10-20 14:03:32)
lol.... MAN! you guys are so handicapped....
You aren't helping make the story, you are supposed to create a character of your own design and be in the story.

Like so.....

I am Ultra Lord. I came from the underworld to wreak havoc upon the living, but ended up getting dragged along on a quest with some poor, handicapped, illiterate peasants. I am 257 years old and weild the power of evil. I can also bake a mean angel food cake.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-20 17:20:24 (edited 2005-10-20 17:21:22)
Finally, we can start the story.

And thus, the story continues, Ultra Lord, with the powers of evil was dragged along into the quest by illeterate, handicapped peasents, and has sworn to destroy the UNSPEAKABLE EVIL!! but ONLY if he is allowed to take over the world after that, he also baked a very mean angel food cake which ravaged some townspeople.

First Battle KITA======(°∀°)======KITA
A pack of wild, possesed boars have appeared to ravage the village, stop them Ultra Lord!

Wild Boars (possesed) x 8

I'll eat you.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-20 18:02:51 (edited 2005-10-20 18:11:52)
Using his unearthly powers, Ultra Lord takes control of the evil spirits posessing the boars and forces them back into the underworld.

Skill: Evil Spirit Manipulation
Sucess Rate: 90%

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Joshua on 2005-10-20 20:42:30
After the battle one of the illeterate peasents comes up to Ultra Lord and reveals himself as Prince Trimilian, Wielder of the Big Stick. He claims he wants to join the quest against all things evil and also bash things real good. Prince Trimillian is imperveous to things with little sticks and Jehovas Witnesses.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by on 2005-10-21 10:07:07 (edited 2005-10-21 16:41:03)
Sorry, my bad about last post. I'll try one post. If this is no good, just tell me. I'll remove it.

Just after the appearance of Prince Trimilliam, a mysterious young girl showed up. She happened to be a Red Mage (An expert White/Healing & Black/Elemental magic user)called Mage Serenity. She told Ultra Lord and Prince Trimillian that her destiny told her to aid Ultra Lord and his allies along the journey...

I just registered my character, Mage Serenity. By the way, what happened to Jomunga the Black Mage? He's not in the story line after the resurrection.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-22 10:28:24
Ultra Lord welcomed everyone and they all continued whatever it was that they set out to do.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Ravensender on 2005-10-22 20:15:19 (edited 2005-10-26 21:10:35)
While the party travelled south, they >encountered a 14 year-old looking black/aqua-haired elven boy by the name of Kitsune-Agni Grave. He was from the Tundra Islands in the west, and exiled from the Kitsune-Agni clan. With his unusual (for his homeland) abilities to breathe fire and see the ghosts of giant sea turtles, left home and became a mercenary/gunsmith. He said "I heard you were on a quest. I can assist if you give me a slice of angel cake. God, I miss angel cake."...

And as a side note, who are we going to fight if the dungeon master was banned?

The end of the weekend is something that's inevitable... Like a test. Or the Apocalypse. Love Compatibility Test Love Compatibility Test

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Funsch on 2005-10-23 03:58:36 (edited 2005-10-23 04:00:03)
Finally another forum RPG! Woohoo!

Shortly after meeting Kitsune-Agni Grave, the party encountered yet another mysterious person who wheres a mask. His name is Jerome Kane, special ability "Kung-Fu moves" and slowing down time to "bullet time mode" and "flying". He wants to join because so he can level up quickly to help destroy all that is evil.
Little do they know he has a dark secret............

Hey Josh btw, long time no see!!!!!

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Tasuki17502 on 2005-10-23 06:19:05 (edited 2005-10-23 06:25:52)
Continuing south, the group came up to a forest. Unfoutunately for the group, it was also the forest ruled by a very well known demon. This demon however, was not of the evil sort. Her name was Kella; she appears to be raised by wolves from the look of her skin, which has quite a few scars. This is because she grew up with a wolf pack, but her clothes are obviously store-bought and of high quality. She appears around 17 in age. Kella is widely known for her ability to sense and manipulate spiritual energy, and her ability to speak the language of animals. She is also quite fast with her feet, and her dagger. She is partners with a black wolf, and this wolf is of the demonic sort as well so he is large enough to ride. She has been waiting for the group, and welcomes them. "I have heard of this group from my spys. Are you truely out on a quest to take back this land from evil?"

I hope thats not too long..... this is my first RPG, so let me know if I am doing anything wrong. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, I am a writer in my spare time. You can expect most of my posts to be about that legnth, but I will shorten up if thats too long for RPGs.

Dubbed? No thanks. I prefer my seiyuu to what you call "a really cool english voice." ^_^ Visit my Xanga for contact info, or to simply read more about me.

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Joshua on 2005-10-23 18:52:47
All of the sudden everyone died by nuclear explosion. Luckily the next episode explained that this was really just a dream of Prince Trimillians. Really he was just having sugar nightmares from all the angel cake he had baked and givin to the other players. He often wondered why they called each other players and if it had anything to do with their obvious pimp-like qualities. The next morning, after all the angel food, Prince trimillian used his gigantic stick to crush some minor zombies that had insulted his cake. He leveled up to three and two/fifths and found two gold. Man the enemies suck in this part of the world.

Hey Funsch.. Yeah its been long. Callanon kinda died. The old one never got finished. Oh well. We tried! Thats what counts. BTW people here. Me and Funsch had a couple of forum rpgs that were serious on here before this. They were called Forum rpg and Callanon. Look em up!

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by on 2005-10-23 20:54:14
Whoo-hoo we got so many party members now! When will the next episode starts explaining about Prince Trimillian's dream??

While Prince Trimillian was busy leveling up himself and thinking that the enemies suck, Mage Serenity tried to figure out what are the secret ingredients for angel cake. But it didn't turn out very well. The cake looks like dung or something. So Mage Serenity gave up. She went outside and tried raising her INT (Magic Attack) Status more higher...

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-23 21:01:05 (edited 2005-10-23 21:01:30)
Ultra Lord got bored watching everyone else, so he quietly sneaked away to a near by village when no one was looking. He killed everyone in the village and made it as bloody as possible. He then proceeded to eat their souls, and in doing so, grew to level 5 and 3/4. He then sneaked back to the group without anyone noticing he had been gone.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by on 2005-10-23 21:41:10
After 1 hour of training, Mage Serenity got up to Level 4. Mage Serenity then saw Ultra Lord. She wonders how can Ultra Lord be so old. Mage Serenity was bored waiting for the party to make their next move. She chit-chat a little with Ultra Lord...

Re: Time for an RPG!!!
Link | by Funsch on 2005-10-24 00:54:25
It was late morning and the party continued proceeding south to somewhere......... One of the peasants travelling along came up to Jerome and ask him about the bandages wrapped around from his wrist to his elbows. Jerome replied as calmly as he could saying that he'd was attacked by some wild critters and just got injured around that area.

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