Katakoto No Koi (Chii Version)?
Does a lyrics version of this song really exist? Or is this version the one where all you hear is the "pa pa pa" repeated over and over again? I ask because I read somewhere a listing of this song under 3 others of the same name katakoto no koi katakoto no koi (instrumental version) katakoto no koi (duet version) katakoto no koi (chii version) The site was pretty out of date, so I can't be sure if it's right... |
Re: Katakoto No Koi (Chii Version)?
There is a lyrics version of it, but I've only heard the one with Rie Tanaka and Tomokazu Sugita. I can't say for sure if the Chii-version is lyrical or just has nonsensical vocalizing in the background like the preview (regular) version. EDIT: Heard a sample of the song somewhere. Apparently it is lyrical. Indeed.
~ Jake