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Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by theblacklord on 2005-10-14 08:46:25 (edited 2005-10-14 08:47:06)
who do you think would win? I think Cloud.....because he has better swordsmanship then inuyasha...

Mangekyo Sharingan!!!!!!

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by destinygirl on 2005-10-14 11:39:32
Well Cloud may have better swordsmanship, but Inuyasha is much more agile and had the Wind Scar and teh Backlash Wave. Plus, he's a demon. He could take a lot more hits than the average person. So, Inuyasha is the winner.

My Blog: Gundam Seed Plus ^_^

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-10-14 13:02:15
CLOUD no doubt XD *Knights of the Round* Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-10-15 05:25:59
although i like cloud better, i think probably inu yasha, whom i hate, would win the fight.....................................................................

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by doo7749 on 2005-10-18 02:13:49
inuyasha...I've never watched cloud before...I'll try and get it XD

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by Murrue Ramius on 2005-10-19 13:33:02
I haven't seen cloud strife so I'll have to go with Inuyasha

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 14:33:41
Ummmmmmmm, I killed Sephiroth:Savior in the game with just cloud and his omnislash, I don't think defeting a demon would be much of a challenge. Besides, Inuyasha sucks ass.

I'll eat you.

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by J-A-Y on 2005-10-19 16:07:30
Cloud is awesome!!!! especially in advent children, so I go for CLOUD!!!

oversized signature removed

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by rah on 2005-10-19 19:43:24
well from the Advant Children... I actually find Cloud to be more agile than Inuyasha...

Wind Scar seem to get weaker as the story progress... Since even Bankotsu can block it... The Backlash Wave wouldn't effect Cloud since he's demon...

Bankotsu(who's human, but have shikon shard) would've beaten Inuyasha if it wasn't for his demonic sword, and I'd think Cloud is stronger than Bankotsu so...

Cloud > Inuyasha

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by hazukinaku on 2005-10-19 23:52:26
Cloud > Inu Yasha

Cloud is mako infused, so he isn't a normal human. Plus he has some killer materias, the limit-break omni-slash, and a killer ultimate sword(Ultima Weapon, in the game). Also, Cloud alone is enough to take down Ruby Weapon.

Inu Yasha is just a little demon puppy compared to Cloud.

P.S. Cloud has Tifa. He pawns, not only Inu Yasha, but all of us guys. XD

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by animezsuki on 2005-10-19 23:54:53
Cloud Strife kick inuyasha's asshole~!

Cloud Strife from Advent Children!!!!i really love cloud's fckin hair n' da sword

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by Mrs Asakura Hao on 2005-10-20 01:05:50
R U GUYS NUTS!!!!!!!!!! Inuyasha is WAY much more beter than Cloud Strife!!!!! Inuyasha WILL be the one that kicks Cloud Strife ass!!!!!

Nakamura Ayumi ^_^ HAO ROX 4EVA!!!!!!!!!

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-20 01:09:34
Mrs Asakura Hao, which crazy world did you come from...? This is one argument where I won't back down from, because the thought of inuyasha beating ANYTHING makes me wanna LAUGH OUT LOUD!

I'll eat you.

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by T3 on 2005-10-20 01:14:16
Funny though.. Inuyasha has no chance.. AT ALL...
let's see...

Cloud has a better Sword (you know what i mean if you do watch advent children, 4 sowrds or more become 1 ?!?)
Cloud use materia, and inyuasha cant use the shikon no tama (kagome forbid him i believe)
Cloud is cool, and he's real human
Cloud has more allies

imo.. cloud wins it..

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by Bernz on 2005-10-20 01:48:44
InuYasha. Hes got his fathers sword which can perform kaze no kizu. Now he can perform kongousouha. Baku ryuu ha is always the ultimate of course.

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by rah on 2005-10-20 22:05:25
bakuryuuha won't work on cloud...

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by on 2005-10-21 09:11:41 (edited 2005-10-21 09:11:54)

Well.. i wont say in terms of power...but if to choose who's better in terms
of appearance.. ***CLOUD*** of course is my choice.. his hair style.. his build..
omg.. is MUCH MUCH more better than that of Inu Yasha... not to forget one thing
abt Cloud... his hair is nv matter rain or shine...=.= or wind too..


Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by on 2005-10-21 10:17:37
Cloud!! CLOUD!! CLOUD!!! *Faints*
He's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Escpecially his weapons in Advent Children!!! And his Omnislash is so cool!!!~~

Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by sonic_ver2 on 2005-10-21 16:26:56
Inuyasha looks cooler. But i think Cloud has more skill.
How about Omnislash v.5 vs Bakuryuha ?

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Re: Inu Yasha Vs. Cloud Strife...
Link | by b0red-chan on 2005-10-21 16:42:04
Definitely Cloud !! InuYasha has no chance in winning agaisnt Cloud.


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