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About Getting Over It game
Link | by NoeDouglas on 2024-01-26 07:52:47
What\'s the gameplay Getting Over It like?

You play as a cat stuck in a cauldron, with only a sledgehammer for movement. You must use the hammer to climb a surreal and treacherous mountain, facing obstacles like floating platforms, swinging pendulums, and slippery slopes.

The controls are simple but challenging. You move the hammer with the mouse, and the protagonist follows its momentum. This means you can\'t move directly up or down, requiring you to swing, fling, and launch yourself across the environment.

What makes it so difficult?

One wrong move and you\'ll plummet all the way down, starting from the beginning. This can be incredibly frustrating, but also oddly satisfying when you finally overcome a particularly challenging section.

More than just a rage game

Despite its difficulty, getting over it is more than just a rage game. It\'s also filled with philosophical commentary, delivered through the protagonist\'s inner monologue. He muses on topics like perseverance, failure, and the nature of progress.

Is it worth playing?

If you\'re looking for a challenging and thought-provoking game, Getting Over It is definitely worth checking out. Just be prepared for some frustration (and maybe some laughs).

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