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ebay anime
Link | by genome on 2005-10-07 01:17:50
is the anime you buy off ebay bootleg. they say its not but if you read the copyright its all misspelled.

Re: ebay anime
Link | by Wolf on 2005-10-07 12:13:51
ebay is a wonderful place to get whatever you want. If you want something really cheap then yeah ur gonna run the risk of it being bootleg but check the online stores and you can get the real stuff.

Re: ebay anime
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-10-07 14:13:29
hmmm if you find a series that contains all episodes on 3 disks for 15.99 then I'd say its a bootleg.. I've been tricked before... try buying anime on ebay that sounds like a normal price, or make sure the picture of the item is the official thing. usually DVDs that are 0 region, have subtitiles in chinese/english with only japanese language are bootlegs. look for item descriptions that have the special features of the real dvd on it. Usually its not too hard to spot whats real and not. some bootlegs are quality (some) but i prefer the real deal =) Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: ebay anime
Link | by fazworth on 2005-10-07 20:48:05
I've bought anime off of Ebay, and most of it is bootleg dvds. Any seller out of Hong Kong is going to sell you a bootleg copy of an anime from Japan. I have also purchased burned Dvd-r copies of some series from people who got their anime form a fansubber and they play great. I have Naruto #1-150, Full Metal Panis the Second Raid #1-10, and Bleach #1-50 and the subtitles are a million times beter than on the other stuff I have bought. Still, be careful because you can also get burned by some sellers. Also make sure that the titles you are buying haven't been licensed because then you'll get all these copyright law violation warnings from the US companies that bought the rights to the anime.

Re: ebay anime
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-10-07 21:05:04
yeah, ebay sellers don't say, but if you notice how cheap the price is, then you can kinda figure out it's bootleg.

i kinda don't mind bootleg, just as long as i can afford it. ><

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