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Anime Karaoke
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-10-03 17:56:47
I was wondering if anyone here ever participated in an anime karaoke event and how it went for them.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Anime Karaoke
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-03 23:08:13 (edited 2005-10-03 23:08:40)
scary... pretty scary... i was constantly scared of pronouncing the words wrong... and if my voice was just right...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Anime Karaoke
Link | by apple on 2005-10-04 01:24:50
Well it was act my fren bdae party n when i sang i was very afraid dat i sang it out of tune or wrong lyrics

Re: Anime Karaoke
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-10-05 21:49:32
My first performance was at Anime Expo, can't remember the year in their karaoke contest. I did "1/2" from Rurouni Kenshin. I was dressed in a full body Doraemon cosplay because I didn't want to emberass myself. Everybody was quiet when I started. When I got to the fast part I thought the audience was holding their breath, waiting for me to screw it up, but when I got through it people stood up and cheered for me. It was a great feeling and I know I'll never be able to do it again.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Anime Karaoke
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-10-06 20:52:09
I did before wtih my friends. I sang the opening theme to Saint Seiya....Did ok. But I know in some European Idol shows like in France in Spain, there have been guys that have sung anime songs live on those shows.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

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