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Death, the Afterlife, and other Muses
Link | by Scorpius on 2005-10-02 13:10:27
Hey. Beliefs...they are a wonderful thing, are they not? I have tons of `em. And what I believe about the afterlife is this: when we dream at night, we go to a part of the "Afterlife," the "Dream World" as I like to call it. Now this section of the Afterlife area is unpredictable, since it is the collective thoughts of humanity, yet we don't know it. That's why we can dream about anything, but it may not necessicarily "come true." And when we die, we go to the other section of the Afterlife, where the spirits gather. This part is referred to as the "Summerlands" to Wiccans. But somehow, the memories of the souls gathered there connect to the pool of unconscious thought that make up our dreams, making it hard to tell apart your life from another persons in dreams.

~Life...why are we here...~ ~Is this reality...or just a dream?...~ ~Is love real...will we ever know anything...~

Re: Death, the Afterlife, and other Muses
Link | by Flying on 2010-10-21 23:02:12
Time we live called "life"..

Re: Death, the Afterlife, and other Muses
Link | by on 2010-12-28 01:35:26
I'm pretty sure this is the Physics board, not Philosophy.

Re: Death, the Afterlife, and other Muses
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2010-12-28 06:01:31
Dude, sorry man, but this is the wrong topic board for your subject.....

You can always copy what you typed and paste it into a freshly made thread back at the Philosophy board.

Remember, this is the SCIENCE board in general.

Hope ya understand. Ojamashimasu.

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