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An integral question...
Link | by on 2005-09-30 06:50:14
Suppose i was to graph a certain result of a certain stress-strain test.
When i plotted the graph, it appeared to be a parabola with the curve oriented on the first quadrant, and it is angled.

The first x-intercept of the curve was at the origin and ended at a certain point E. The height at which, at the last part, the curve ends and a straight line downward begins, is S.

Now this is my problem, i have to get the toughness of the material. But to get that, i have to find the AREA UNDER THE CURVE. I don't know exactly how to get the area, maybe by horizontal or vertical strip.

So please. You need not to answer this, but if you want, i'll e-mail you a copy of what the graph looks like.

*blip* *blip*

Re: An integral question...
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-30 08:50:01
In order to get the area under the curve, you need to do the integral (you actually don't need the graph at all).

What that is--

find the antiderivative of the function

evaluate the antiderivative at the endpoints of the interval you want to find the area for

find the difference of those two values

If you still need help, email me the function you're trying to solve and I'll tell you how to find it. (my email is

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Re: An integral question...
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-10-02 16:03:59
whoa... sorry, can't help you with that.......... *system overload*

nya........... hehe.

Re: An integral question...
Link | by on 2005-10-02 19:56:03 (edited 2005-10-02 19:56:31)
hey oldcrow, that antiderivative would be the integral, right? with respect to what? this is not actually a problem but an application of integral. i'm not much good at practical applications (this is the problem if you try to take a subject and its pre-requesite at the same time...) and since this one requires application of integral calculus (which we haven't yet discussed - the area under the curve).

let's see if i got this right...
get the integral of the function...
then set the limits to the intervals then evaluate... right?

(man, you just gotta love materials science!)

*blip* *blip*

Re: An integral question...
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-10-02 20:46:46
Yea, the anti-derivative is the same as the integral.

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Re: An integral question...
Link | by luciolahexns on 2005-10-02 20:50:56
Stop makin' people do yer homework! :P

    Diciples of the Greyhound

Re: An integral question...
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-10-03 05:35:09
i didn't know that you guys were so smart!!!

nya........... hehe.

Re: An integral question...
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-03 11:14:02
too much calculation... arg.... my... brain...

way can't you just have some kind of question like:

"Where can i find the key to open X Door?"
"How do I defeat X Monster?"

just kidding...


Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

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