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(Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by Netstryke on 2004-08-18 20:17:06
After years of oppression and suffering through nothing but DB, Pokemon,Digimon and Yi-Gi-Oh for years. Canada's YTV is finally going to show some next level anime on Friday Nights starting Sept 10th. Including Gundam SEED, Witch Hunter Robin and possibly .hack//SIGN,
Canadian anime Fans....REJOICE!!!

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by Warukyure on 2004-08-21 10:59:32
thats nice to hear

Watashi wa anata no... Warukyure...

I am your... Warukyure...

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by JasonJason on 2004-08-23 20:42:21
You realize, of course, that they will probably butcher the themes again... like they did with Escaflowne a few years back. I don't watch DBz, Pokémon or any of the more recent ones, so I can't compare their Japanese and NAmerican OPs and EDs (though I can imagine...)
And let's not mention dubbing.
You're right, it is something to look forward to... just don't set your expectations too high.

"Artificial Intelligence is the science of making computers act like the ones in movies."

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by Azu chan on 2004-08-27 18:52:51
lol well they have already inuyasha but uh.... that's atleast 200 eps and a few ovas -___-
well i can't wait *hugs TV*
is there any other channels you can get with anime on them available in Canada?


Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by SaneMadness on 2004-08-29 20:27:15
I can't wait, I've been so sick and tried of listening to people with satalite discribe all the anime I've been missing and not able to see!

"Are you Suggesting that Coconuts are Migratery?"

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by Keshu on 2004-09-01 00:22:52
I don't know if it's gonna be that nice...Of course it is tant anime is becomming more popular in canada but...Like it was said, they're probably gonna butcher it.
Anime is already available to buy or rend in most major cities...Once the TV edition is out, it's usually even harder to get the original version (as much as commercial version is original :p )
I hope it's gonna boost conventions here...cause the only one around is in Toronto...and it's pretty far from Montreal lol.
But we can always get anime from friends and exchange at least :) From a couples of stores too. It's not the same tough...we don't get collectibles and stuff like that...Maybe someday....

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by Kay on 2005-03-01 21:44:29
well, it isnt COMMING to canada, its already here. We have Inuyasha, Shaman King, and Yu-gi-oh (shudders), but except for Inuyasha, we lack any thing decent. which is why Block Busters are my friends, because they have X, which has <3Kamui<3, and HMV has broadened their anime section, so you can get some good stuff, no gravitation yet though

*Insert amusing quote or witty comment here*

Re: (Real) Anime is coming to Canadian TV
Link | by See ya! on 2006-06-11 17:12:30
Yeah, it's been about 2 years since this thread was started and the only worth-while anime on YTV is Inuyasha (getting REEEAALLY repetitive), Gundam Seed (already seen every episode twice and own all of the manga) and Fullmetal Alchemist. Naruto, One Piece, Zatch Bell, Yu-Gi-Oh! and GX, Shaman King and all of that other crap sucks pretty badly. I hope they get the other Gundams, Fruits Basket (already seen every episode), DNAngel, Mars (is that even an anime yet?) and stuff like that. OH! And A.I. Love You, Love Hina, Negima! (Ken Akamatsu rocks), and XXX Holic and crap ...... I forget ....... I had a really good one in mind, too. Oh, well. Aquarian Age is another really good one. Oh! And Gankutsuou. Then, they should get rid of all of that Transformers crap and Beasties (is that even on anymore?) and all of that junk so they can have a TRUE anime night

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