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Fighting thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-29 19:02:44 (edited 2005-09-29 19:05:45)
This topic came up in the depression thread around post 390, so continue from there.

So expierences in fighting, visions on fighting.

Hand to hand combat tecniques, whatever. Ill make some posts later.

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Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-09-29 19:32:05
I think what Lucian was trying to say is that many fights are not "fights for survival" that require a lot of kicking and "cheap shots". I learned early on that a code is pretty much useless if I am the only one abiding by it. Where I grew up in Germany, a 1-on-1 fight was never a 1-on-1 fight for very long. Once the guys looked like they were losing, someone else always stepped up to get smacked down. My older brother, a friend of mine, and I had to fight against a posse of eight kids once. My lip got busted, I damn near broke my foot kicking one dude in the face, and my friend Maurice got his glasses broken but we all walked (well, I limped) away from it. After the fight one of the boys came over to our apartment in housing with a bat and a knife looking for my older brother. The MPs had to come and take him away.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-29 21:24:37
mine was in High school... I was easily "annoyed" back then... a classmate of mine kept asking me stupid questions just for fun (and was not in anyway related to the study topic) i snapped in the middle of class. I shouted at him and then pushed him down to the floor. as he was moving away i took my chair and attempted to throw it at him. but then the teacher suddenly grabbed the chair and several classmates of mine tried to restrain me... The teacher then tried to talk some sense to me... after that i suddenly thought: "What am I doing?" and calmed down... and yes i got called in the office for that little incident...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-29 21:51:24
Kids used to picked on me because I couldn't speak English that well and was Chinese. I yelled that's all at the people (for some reason all of them were girls, but I'm not holding a grudge or anything now against girls okay?) that threw sand in my eyes in 2nd grade.

I haven't fought in a serious match before, and hope I don't have to. But my way of seeing no way of pain, is to not let your enemy get you and let out all anger out. I can't assume that everything is an enemy so I'm not threatening unless I have to be. I can't be a soft person like I'm always when it comes to fighting. I don't have any specific rules. I'm more used to Tae Kwon Do with more punching and judo. I'm too soft to the point that I'm afraid of what happens after a fight. People get hurt and some injuries are more serious than it was meant to be at first. That's what keeps me from fighting seriously.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-29 23:09:58
Doraemon looks like youve had it rough. The code isnt usless, its not gonna weaken you that much. And there isnt a line for the code for me.

Example: Group of 7-10 tried ganging up on me, I immediatly charged thru two of them kicking 1 and shoving away the other, and ran away. The next day the tried the same thing, did I run away this time, no. I brought a knife with me, none of them dared attack me. I walked away this time.

There really is no level to the code. If they are gonna be cheap then dont play by the rules.

I can use the code because usually its like this (this is a real conversation with the names left out.)

personA "hey you, wanna fight at lunch?"
ME "where?"
personA "uhh basketball courts."
Me "alright."

Lunch arrives!

personA "u ready?"
Me "Hold on, I gotta finish lunch" "paku paku"(I dont actually make this sound when I eat)
PersonA "hurry the ^#%& up"
Me "..."

Now there is a big crowd waiting for me to finish my lunch, my friends are trying to get people to bet.

Me "Hey personA lets fight now"
PersonA "you $#@%&ing eat to slow"
Me "..."

Fight starts. He closes in, throws a right punch. I lock his arm throw him down, step on him. Cheers rise from the crowd.

PersonA "&^%% I give" gets up

PersonA "That was to quick, lets go again."
Me "fine"

We start again. This time I quickly kick him in the side. He falls over and starts coughing. Me thinking hes gonna try and ask for a rematch.

Me "If you ever wanna rematch, just ask."

Goes to friends, talks about the fight for rest of lunch.

Its fights like those were the code is cool.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Dudeman on 2005-09-30 00:05:16
Right, but you hardly see fights like that. The "code" is mainly for sparring. In a real fight people do anything to win. They will fight dirty and they will use as many friends as they can.

Heh, with that said, I can only add one more thing. I'm a pacifist. No not a sissy, I studied years of Tae Kwon Do, various martial arts, and even wrestling. I used to spar, and still do sometimes. Sparring is different though, because you're not trying to hurt the other person. Also, avoiding fights is kind of easy. You just have to learn to be patient and learn how to avoid the ignorant people in life. All violence does is lead to more violence. Doraemon put up a good point with this arguement. If you fight a group of people, most likely they will come back with more, or even worse. One thing I have learned in my life though. You can never have too many friends, but you can have too many enemies. That quote used to sound better, and that's what I live by. Try to get along with everyone, even if you do not wish to. I learned to cope with others, to avoid certain instances. Now I agree you cannot always cope with people, but it takes a real man to walk away. Likewise, sometimes you cannot walk away. That is why I learn self-defense to us their force against them. I do not try to harm them, just "moving" them in a way, where I do not have to force myself to fight them.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-30 14:54:28
yea so this is how my story goes:

whats ur problem punk???
(i had just accidently cut in front of someone in the mall to go meet people at the ovies and there was about 4 or 5 guys there)
i said whas ur proooblem punk?
nothin y?
listen dont act dumb. u disin me man! now say ur sorry!
4 wha?
for disrespectin me in front o my crew!
i didnt do ne thin
fine let me get my bois then. well make u say ur sorry come on punk!!!
aight aight let me get my bois then homie g
yea bring that sh*t
1 min later...

sorry dawgs i cant findem i guess ill forfiet sorry u win by default
AHAHAHAHAHHAHA! boy u krazy so im a go c ya home boi
yea my homeboi peace!

yep thats my stotry

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-30 18:01:38
my fight story goes like this...
back in high svhool i was just a transfer student and most of the people there were good to me...except for this stupid wanna be bad boy who on day one was nice to me and tried to included me in his posse(im a big guy by the way, but im a gentle giant...hehehehe) i declined and i think that pissed him everyday he tried to make me miserable from stupid threats to cheap shots that felt like my granpa's punch it hurts but not that much..taht guy was like a lass bully, always cheating stealing and acting like a big shot cuz no one stood against him except me....anyway i tried to neglect me but he keeps on focusing on me sice i didnt let him get to me i think that got him anoyed...
so one day during dismissal i was with a friend doing our project and he came to us and told me to bring his project to the teacher,as usual a i said a few choiced words and neglected him and went to my classroom,that got him really pissed so he ran to the classroom and waited for me...when i arrive the first thing i remember was a punch in the chest, now that hulk muscling his strenght i roared like an ape and went straight at him with a stong punch to the gut...WHAM! that got him good...he chocked but countered with a weak punch to the face,again i countered with a 1-2 combination one in the gut and one in the face, that got him dizzy then one of his posse was there but was to stunned to help...then my friend shouted the teachers are comming and we all ran outside....not until the bastard said we'll continue the fight at our home where i least expect it...

a few days later...i was cleaning our car when this bastard came to our front gate...i was like man is this guy looking for more
not really i was like uh-oh here we go again...but something was different he was with his parents and they demanded me to ask forgiveness for beating up their son! the bastard...
in the end the whole truth came and we were both suspended from school
(his mom placed a compained at the school...stupid) and when i return
the bastard quite changed day by day until their posse broke up and he became one of my friends....

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-10-01 11:58:36
Jomunga, I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that you could have a personal code of ethics in a fight that you adhered to regardless of the circumstances. I was wrong. Most of the fights I've been in were without rules and weaponry has been involved to some extent never on my end because my dad would have beat my @$$ worse than the punk I fought ever could have if he found out. I used to think I got pounded on in Delaware, well, that was nothing compared to Germany. In one fight an older girl (Yes, you read correctly, a GIRL) was beating me with a 2 X 4 because I told her she sucked at rolling the ball while we played kickball. My mom told me never to hit a girl under any circumstance and her parents were friends with my parents so I let her hit me at least three times thinking she'd stop once she saw I was bleeding. After the fourth hit I finally lost my temper and I took the board from her and I hit her back once with it. She started crying and ran home to her mother.

I get home and I get a beating from my mom and grounded for two weeks for hitting a girl. She said I should have walked away. It wasn't till ten years later that my mom admitted she may have been wrong in that instance.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-10-01 15:56:42
well having a "code" is like a act of the ways of a samurai...they fight and live for honor...sad to say those days are over and people sre less honorable when it comes to fighting...
it's the sad truth...almost every time a fight brakes out...the one who wins usally are the ones with the numbers, the weapons, or threats...even the sport boxing was disgraced by some fighters who fought dirty(mikey bit the ear)....

and doraemon hitting a girl for me is ok if the circumstances are the same to what you describe...but not to the point where you could seriously injure one...just try her stop beating you...if that's not enough, give her a swift punch in the gut to knock her out for awhile...

and one last thing...when will people learn that fighting or beating up fellow men is not cool...when will they realize that their anger and pride can be a danger to themselves and to others...

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-01 16:00:31 (edited 2005-10-01 16:04:14)
hell... some of the reasons behind these kinds of conflict is sometimes pathetic...

mine was one of em...(posted in an earlier entry...) i had to learn how to control my anger to refrain such events from happening again...

The "Code" is long gone (if not.. really rare in our time)... which is rather sad... Honor and discipline were really important at that time...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by desertranger on 2005-10-01 16:57:13
Some rules on fighting.

Never take a knife to a fight. Take a gun.
Don't take a pistol to a shootout, take a rifle.
Any caliber that starts with less than 4 is a waste.
If you can see your opponent he can see you.
If you can see your opponent shoot first.
Shoot first ask questions later.
Don't stand up.
Don't miss.

Gun control is hitting your target.

Hand to hand combat is for the trenches and we don't fight trench warfare anymore.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-02 04:21:27
Doraemon, im not blaming you for hitting the girl.

But even if they play dirty you dont have to chuck away the code. Playing by a code isnt gonna weaken you that much, its not like you have to stand there and take hits.

What I would have done:
1. A girl is trying to kick my ass, I dont stand a chance... runs away.
2. Grabbing the 2x4, thats where the fight should have ended, she is unarmed now and you are.
3. Self defences like aikido exist where you can disable your opponet without hurting them. At this point you can get your revenge by embarassing her by showing her how much you overpower her.

The only girl ive ever fought with is my sister. And yes she deserves more than I give. Even if the girl derserves it, I wouldnt hit them.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-10-02 16:06:23
"Playing by a code isnt gonna weaken you that much, its not like you have to stand there and take hits."

I know that I didn't have to stand the hits now. All of this happened more than fifteen years ago. Back then I was a hell of a lot more interested in saving face than running away from a girl. Here are some reasons for those actions:

1. Running away was worse because then you had to deal with other people picking on you because of them thinking you were a puss. I was a stupid kid and chose to take her strikes.

2. The fight didn't stop just because I had the weapon. Grabbing the 2x4 didn't stop her from trying to continue to hit me. I struck her once then dropped the board.

3. As for your other point, the only exposure I had to martial arts at that point was what I saw on anime videos from Japan and sentai shows. Since those days I have studied Aikido and Shotokan Karate (I know, very, very, different philosophies on combat). Back then I had no such luxuries available.

Now I know to get away regardless because as my sensei once told me, "It is better to be a live clucking chicken, than a dead raging boar". If I can't get away and the attacker is a woman then I am a firm believer in equal opportunity. If a woman attacks me with her fists, a knife, or a gun I will deal with them as I would any man who does the same. I have no preset notions on how to deal with certain people in fights because, as proven by past experiences, they are unpredictable. You don't know when someone will attack you or who they will be. I am not going to split hairs over gender if it happens.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-10-02 16:08:00
fighting scares me... violence... maybe it has to do with my house, but i can't help but get upset! >.<

nya........... hehe.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-10-02 16:09:37
oh, and as for the 'guy hitting a girl thing' no one has the right to hit anyone!!! if someone's really hurting you it dosen't make a difference what gender or who the hell they are.

nya........... hehe.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by iKon on 2005-10-02 16:51:52
theres going to be a two big fights at my school tommorw afterschool and i'm in it. I don't know what to do, all of my friends are anticipating this fight and are really looking forward too it -.- i wanna help them out but a part of me is not too sure..most of the ppl in the fight are in grade 10-12(im in grade 10) i know i can take on a few guys but i'm just afraid they gonna gang up on me. I know FOR SURE most of them are gonna have weapons on them and im gonna bring mines along just in iunno how this is gonna turn out but..i'll let you guys know when i get back.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-10-02 20:10:36
Ranger and I can tell you what to do Ikon. Avoid the fight. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone and it's not worth what can happen to you. Especially today when fights can turn lethal Where and whenever this fight is you be somewhere else. Like th elibrary or holding oyr girlfriend if you have one. Even if oy don't have a GF find one whois friendly and tell her you need a hug. Much better than fighting.

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Doraemon on 2005-10-02 21:17:01
iKon, Why involve yourself? What kind of trouble is worth going into a fight where you KNOW someone is likely to be seriously hurt or killed with weapons involved? The best thing you can do for yourself is to not participate and to get your friends out of it. Fights these days aren't the same as when I was young. Fuckers do their damndest to maim and kill. Once it happens there's no coming back from that. You guys are still young and you have so much life to live still. Don't waste it by intentionally putting yourselves in harms' way.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comGood? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun. - Ash, Army of Darkness

Re: Fighting thread
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-02 23:36:44
That kind of fight is lame. Forget it. Dont get into something just because your friends are. If the heard of lemmings jumps off a cliff, dont just follow them because your in the same heard."

I dont know if heard applies to lemmings.

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