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some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-28 11:35:09
ahm, yeah, i was just wondering if anyone's ever done anything they're really proud about, or if they have a certain special talent or something. just wanting to get to know everyone more. {plays theme from the "King and I" *getting to knooowww youuu} hehehe

nya........... hehe.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-28 12:08:59
This was originally in the depression thread, but I that's the only thing I can think of before.

My father was in a really dangerous mood after some Chinese wine one night. This wasn't the first time though. But this time, he started picking on my younger siblings for the stupidest thing like answering back or something. Finally when he was yanking them, I yelled out "#@%! off! Let her go!!" in Chinese. It didn't end there though, he focused on me then. He taunted me and asked whether I was ready to fight, but I said I would handle the situation from now on and that's what's set. I wanted to fight then and get rid of all the confusion I was having. Things like how sometimes your parents aren't right and sometimes you have to stand up even when you might have to stand alone.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-28 15:06:35
During middle school graduation I did front flip off the stand after recieving my diploma. I recieved 20$ from friend for doing that, I was gonna do it anyways.

In school I kicked a volley ball in the gym, and it hit the light at the top and the whole thing came crashing down. No one got hurt and I didnt get in trouble, but it could have killed some1.

I broke my basket ball hoop doing a slam dunk.

I broke my school locker by kicking it.

I broke the school bench by jumping on it.

I ripped apart serveral school books.

I only did 8 hours of school service in my entire time in high school, for being late. I should of had around 100, but I never get caught ;).

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-28 18:44:05
. . . .jomunga, do you like breaking things?!? hehe, no, that's cool. let me think of cool things i did. ahm... i've swam with dolphins before... and i got lost in a small french village called Normandy... yes, that one, and we did find our way back to the group. but it was like complete submersion in another culture for a while, and i thought that was amazing. what else. ahm... i'm not a very amazing person, but i think that the first time i cursed someone out was pretty amazing ... guess it's pretty amazing whenever i stand up for myself, because i usually get treated like everyone's b-t-h {can i type that word in here? will gendou get mad, i shouldn't curse! >.<} until i become hysterical or something... so, yeah.

nya........... hehe.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-28 21:22:52
Can hold my breath under water for 2 minutes. It's not much but yeah. 8 full plates in a buffet for me. I'm not fat for some reason, just really thin. Taught me and my brother some moves about swords by ourselves.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-09-28 21:28:26
-Graduated college in 3 years

-Studying abroad in Japan under a government scholarship when I was 17

-Winning 2nd place in a regional Tae Kwon Do tournament when I was 11

-I can speak Japanese and basic Chinese (sadly no Ilacano or Tagalog)

-I taught myself submission wrestling and Brazilian Jiujitsu
-I developed my own philiosophy of Jeet Kune Do by aseembling my own
best moves into what is suited for me.

-Beating Martinez in Hajime no Ippo 2 Victorious Roads

-My 1337 anime dvd and manga collection =D

-I've been to Canada, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, Philippines, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland

-"In school I kicked a volley ball in the gym, and it hit the light at the top and the whole thing came crashing down. No one got hurt and I didnt get in trouble, but it could have killed some1."

I've had this happen before too when I was in 6th grade. I didn't kick the ball, but I was serving and I mis-served and I hit a light and then it came down.

-I was probably one of the first Americans to get Shenmue

-The first time a girl said she loved me was when I was 15 (well, a month from being 16) and the girl was 22 (was a friend of my cousin, but why she did is a long story)

-Have been dedicating the past five years of my life volunteering at my local library

-That I have met Ernie Reyes, Jr., who plays Keno in Ninja Turtles II and stars in Surf Ninjas

-That I have been to four WWF events (I refuse to call it the WWE). In some of them, I was there when Chyna betrayed DX, when Triple H stole the European title from Owen Hart when he was injured, when Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett stole the tag titles from Ken Shamrock and Big Boss Man, when Lance Storm and Steven Regal took the tag titles from Booker T and Goldust, and I was there when they had the first appearence of Bluedust. Going to those things you never know what kind of history can happen.

-"In sixth grade I punched a kid in the face (after he hit me on the shoulder, it was reflexive), and he stood off-balance for like 5 seconds. I didn't even feel anything. Didn't even realized I hit him until afterward. But, he was messing with this quiet kid and took his lunch at well, I ended up punching him in the face after he came AROUND the table to get in my face about it. He was supposed to fight me later, but chickened out. Oh yeah, he also said the punch didn't hurt when he sat back down."

Something this happen to me in eight grade but I didn't punch him in the face, I gave him sweet chin music HBK style and then did some crotch chops in his face. He got a bruise on his chin. This happened on the bus and this jerk off was talking crap about my younger brother who is autistic, so I just had to make him shut up. The bus driver didn't care because she hated the kid. After we were seperated by other kids on the bus, he said to meet him at the park down the street from our stop the following day. Apparently, word got out that I intended on beating him to the point where he is only getting out of the park in an ambulance and during his ride, little would he known I'm the driver half way and I would start beating him more as if it were a pro wrestling angle. Because that probably spreaded, he probably didn't show up but I gave him a pedigree the next time I saw him. Anyway, I was hated by 95% of the school at the time so people were expecting me to get beat. But the support I got were from the most hardcore people I'd knew.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-09-28 22:27:50
WOW paraparajmo! you like, listed your whole life story! haha, that's cool. let's about me....

hate math, i like to draw and listen to music, learning japanese right now in high school, wanna work for tokyopop, and i like reading.

will hopefully go to japan one day.

oh, and i remembered this much of pie: 3.141592653589....

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Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-28 22:43:05
If we are on the subject of beating up kids, count me in. But its happens because I lose my cool. If you are interested in numberous beating up experiences just ask, ill create a long post. Yes im quite violent.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-09-28 23:30:37
I moved out of my parents adn became finacially independent at the age of 20, parents never thought it would work but it did, i now have a bigger tv than my dad, he isnt happy about that.

restoring my old datsun 280zx

picking up chicks in my big wheel.. no one said it was possible but i dared to dream.

everything i have ever built i take great pride in.


Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by miyamoto on 2005-09-29 01:11:04
I threw a chair at my teacher once. I also stuck super glue on her chair before she sat down. Also, I do once in awhile leave a couple of bomb bags in her bag.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-29 08:55:29 (edited 2005-09-29 08:57:26)
well I once ran up to a random car wearing an upside down darth vader mask in my school uniform and scared the crap out of the driver and then the driver almost backed up into a school bus and crushed me!

and im left handed

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by desertranger on 2005-09-29 15:14:30
OK I can do a list.

Pilot 5700 hours in the left seat.
BombNav best in USAF 7 times.
USAF BombComp champ 5 years running
Hobie cat western regional champ 3 years running
I've climbed half dome and el capitan in yosemite park
Holder of a airmans medal, bronze star and 3 purple hearts.
Among the top 10% speedshooters in our local area.
Deepwater and freshwater sailor
degrees in engineering and geology
member of mensa the high IQ society. Bunch of wusses they are they are
Walked out of Pinto Basin in July with T-ranger Chuck in 114F temps
Gave ujp engineering to become an adventure guide.
best rated guide in our area according to the convention and visitors board.

Theres more, you can stack up quite a list in 59 years however the best thing I ever did was to marry Lady Rin.

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Kali on 2005-09-30 00:28:15
Been to: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Israel, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines (heh, I'm from there.), US of A (for the Disneyland experience), Canada, Australia (Adelaide; Glenelg...), Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UK

Went on a roadtrip with a close friend of mine starting from Vancouver and making it to Toronto... in a 300 CAD, 1976 Ford Granada called Eduardo Martinez-Garcia. hehehe

Occasionally teach volleyball to a bunch of elementary school kids in my mom's home town (where they don't exactly speak english at all... -_-)...

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Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Rui on 2005-09-30 00:46:18
I was able to open a bank account when I was 5 years old. Hahahaha....^_^

I lost 26 lbs after 3 months of going to the gym almost everyday. I'm happy and satisfied with my weight now. I was not obese, but yeah, I still had to lose some weight. ^_^

I'm just glad that whenever I get into tight spots, I still stay calm and collected and be able to fix the situation. ^_^

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-09-30 05:23:54
Got a couple of good reviews for my first fic in

Counted 37 'Shh's from my teacher who had a habit of shushing everyone when no one's even talking...and that's in the middle of a quiz (which, thankfully, I was able to get a perfect score.)

Won two 'smiling game' contests, one with my bestfriend during class hours AND during a sort of test. We were smiling all throughout the exams (others probably thought we're crazy. I mean, who would SMILE during exams?!) but I frowned during Math. It was really difficult. Fortunately, she did too so I won. ^^

Was able to configure Bit Torrent to download Saiyuki Requiem ^^

Sold my first booklet when I was 8 years old for P15. Not bad for an up-and-coming author. (j/k)

Goofed off in Math class, writing notes and passing them around, pretending to study slopes and formulae, when we were laughing our butts off. I'm surprised I didn't really get into trouble,this coming from a valedictorian. That's not really stuff a normal topnotcher would do, right? ^^,

Beat a Double Hammer in Gunbound. And I'm just a chick.

I eat a lot, but don't get fat.

~That's just some stuff I can think of right now...~

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by luxifer on 2005-09-30 06:49:04
i homerun some tennis ball of my friend's with my new racket
i have the best musicalitation poem goup and have the best songs...
i'm good at cooking
i won many teen red cross competition
i lost 7 kilos in 5 days
i kicked my friend's fibula till i broke it (front leg)
i have 268 downloads so far
i hit my friend butt in small grade.. she is... swt

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by on 2005-09-30 06:52:00
it's just "irrational exhuberance".

*blip* *blip*

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-30 08:25:55
I made up the funniest story ever on my bus to a bunch of ghetto people making me fall in thier good graces; normally im good with anyone that isn't ghetto but i think i made some kind of achivment!)

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-10-01 00:28:56
-I can speak 3 languages very well, plus a bit of french!

-I saved my brother from being beaten by a gang

-I kicked a soccer ball so hard it destroyed a side-mirror of a car that was near...they never knew who did it *EVIL*

-I've only been in 1 school fight... and I won *EVIL*

-In my 5th grade, I was able to open a classroom door that my teacher and my colleagues couldn't open... I just gave it a sweet hard tackle

-Won a Math pre-olimpiads in my 6th grade, the best 6th graders were there... I got a perfect score... *EVIL*

There are more stuff...

Re: some really cool things that all of you did!
Link | by PuRpLe_fAiTh on 2005-10-01 03:14:24

Hi! I'm new here and this will be my first post...
Well, my classmates and I managed to get a teacher kicked out of school when we were in elementary...
And I was in every play that was held in our school back in highschool...
I also directed a short film.
It's a distorted version of romeo and juliet.

Payback's a bitch

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