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My dad told me to remove a stump from an old tree
Link | by GeorgeDouglas on 2023-07-17 06:52:26
My dad told me to remove a stump from an old tree, but I couldn't do it. Where can I find a craftsman who can do it?

Re: My dad told me to remove a stump from an old tree
Link | by ClintWoods on 2023-07-17 07:14:37
Front yard, back yard, lawn repairs, access fence removal, liability? Do not take on a job without evaluating it personally. If someone gives you a phone number or a written quote, make sure they know all the details. Don't cheat poor stump grinders just because they're ignorant

Re: My dad told me to remove a stump from an old tree
Link | by Holden Clark on 2023-07-18 04:15:18
I have noticed that the stumps remain intact for years after the tree has been cut down. Always consult a professional. For example, I got help from here. They responded in a timely manner. Very reasonable price and did an amazing job. Received bids from many companies and very happy with my decision. I will use them again if needed.

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