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The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by Necrosis on 2005-09-21 13:23:12
OK actually I am just introducing myself. Like many people here, I love anime, video games, and Japan in general. I am half Japanese, and my grandparents live in Japan, and I speak fluent Japanese. I, however, live in Florida, in the USA. My Japanese vocabulary isn't very massive, but I get around. My grandparents send videos of anime recorded off the TV to my house every so often, so that means I don't need to import of watch subbed versions or whatever. I occasionally download anime, but I usually only do that if it is no longer playing in Japan. American dubbing sucks, usually, so I stick with Japanese. I am 16 years old, and my hobbies include: solving the Rubik's cube. playing my PS2's (I have a Japanese and American one, but my American one crapped out with that "Disk Read Error" crap), playing on the computer, reading books, mangas, and the like. I enjoy comedies the most, and action/violent gory types the second most. This goes for video games, movies, whatever. I also have a sort of "organization" that I am the leader of. My AIM screen name is "YHVH Armadias" sorry to you Jews who may be offended by the "YHVH" part (this is the true spelling of English anyway). My computer is always on, even if I'm not using it. Err... this intro is kinda long, isn't it? Sorry for the eye strain, guys.

The Sarcasm made a whooshing sound as it flew over his head. -Artemis Fowl -Armadias [OUT]

Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-21 13:40:11
Nice to meet you Necrosis. Old Man Kai gives you his greetings and a whack in the head with his cane!

Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-21 14:30:03
You can solve the Rubix cube?! I didn't think that there actually was a way to solve it, I thought that that was just a cruel rumour to torment people into trying fruitlessly to solve that infernal cube...

Nice to meet you.

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Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-09-21 14:49:36
Welcome ^.^ Nice to meet you... you speak fluent japanese? I wish I could T-T Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by H e l l o Disease on 2005-09-21 17:09:47
Welcome! It's totally awesome to meet yah! ^^ And you can speak Japanese? That's really cool. I'm to brain dead to pull that one off. >.<

To dance!
No way to make a living;
Masochism; Pain; Perfection;
Muscle Spasms; Chiropractors;
Short Carrers Eating Disorders!

Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by Necrosis on 2005-09-21 17:12:50
Lolz! Thanks, guys! I'm trying to help best I can in the Japanese section, although I am not too great with Kanji. I am, in fact, horrible with kanji. I know, like, maybe a hundred. In American daily life, you don't really get a chance to practice much, you know?

The Sarcasm made a whooshing sound as it flew over his head. -Artemis Fowl -Armadias [OUT]

Re: The night awaits, Necrosis has come
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-21 18:55:11 (edited 2005-09-21 18:57:04)
Please click here.

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