Creating Sim Files
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by AnimePhenie
on 2005-09-18 07:58:10
Are there any nice programs to do this in? I've been trying with the stepmania thing, and its impossible! How can you time when the beats are properly! It would take years! Is there some other program that can do it? or does someone have advice on using the stepmania one, because I gave up kind of lost on how to get the timing right :( ^-^ Thanks for any help! |
Re: Creating Sim Files
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on 2005-09-18 12:08:55
i have heard that some people use winamp because it has a beats per minute calculator. however, i always time the BPM myself. if you listen to one minute of the song, and hit the "F" key every beat in your head, you can count all the "F"s that you typed and then find the BPM using a start->run->calc. that is, if you want to be old skool |
Re: Creating Sim Files
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on 2005-09-20 21:41:41
There are two things you have to find out: the bpm (the speed), and the gap (how long to shift the beats to get them to match up with stepmania) Try to find the bpm with WinBPM which you can download here. The gap is more guess and check for me, but I'll get back to you on that one. |