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Baka Stunts & the like...
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-09-16 17:36:47
I know almost every guy out there has tried to do something stupid in there life. My dad & his brother domne planty in there teenage years, I'm shocked there still alive! Or have you though for mean/funny pranks/ideas before. You don't actually had to of done them. I'll tell a few of mine & my dad's. This thread is just to share funny moments & thing you have done that wasn't the brightest idea. Or Funny bloopers...

I'll start. I'm a nice person but I sometimes all of a sudden come up w/ mean ideas, just out of the blue for no good reason & about 95% of the time I don't do it. But here is one of the things I would love to do to one of my friends or family.
Background I have 39 chicken & four Moscovy Ducks. The come a runing a 'Chicken Standpid' as we call iit when I yell "Chiccckkk-A-Deeee!!!" (& I'm vey vey loud). Or you can just go outside in the back yard w/a something in your hand & they follow you all around the yard hoping there is something there for them. Anyways one of these days I'm going to tie some pieces of bread to the back of one of my little cousins or next door kids waistband & just watch them try & run from my chickens. I could just see it. four years old boys ran around the yard w/ about two dozens chickens right behind them them.

Here is something my dad & his brother did as teenagers. Once they made a pairashute for useing on the water. So see if it will work they tied it to the back of there truck & were going to have one to drive, while the other one get in the pairashute. Needless to say my grandfather/their dad burned it before they could try it out.
Another time my dad locked his cousin in the trunk of the car all night while they were partying b/c he was miss behaving & my dad would also handcufe his cousin to the poll of the close line outside when he used to babysit when the boy was misbehaving. They have done many more things, even more dangerous before.

My grandma when she was alive, was a very stubrane woman. Every year when Cristmas came the normal Wal-marts used push back the back shelves to make room for christmas things. One year my grandma went to get some yarn b/c she used to make blankets. The yrad was located on the backwall of the store. & she being a plum woman couldn't squeeze between the illies. So she desided to go up & down every ille & take the yard off the shelf of the wall, then told them that mess in so& so illies.
Another thing she did alot was when Food World ha dthere meats on sale she would take her Sales paper that had no limit on it & go get her meats. The store by the way had a limit on it's meat. & when she got to the check out the employ of course said she couldn't get all of the meat & then my grandma would show the sales add saying that it had no limit in the paper & fuss until she got all for her meat or if she couldn't she would just walk out of the store & leave her buggy full of stuff. Needless to say a few years later the Sales add print that store can limit it's ideas. & went ever my parent & uncle went w/her they walked away from embrassment before she started her fussing. I wasn't bore or later on old enough to remember any of this. She died when I was about 7-8 years old.

My chickens can be funny; one of the things they do is they love to chase big fat flighting bugs. It's fine when it's just one runing in circle & zigg-zagging all over the yard. But once there was three heans after the same bug. & I sarted to watch them running here & there, not watching were they were going. The bugg flow trow the fance those baka hens were sooo buzy tring to caught the bug before another could that they ran full speed into the fance. My small ten years old dog has done that before too. It was about two years ago & he was runing & barking at a dog in the fliend behind our house that he forgot that there was a fence there & by the time he saw it it was too late & he couldn't stop. My dog unlike the hens wont make that misstake again. Those chickens are soo competative that it wont surprise me if it happens again. There are other stories, I just can't remember right now. & some more stories of people runing into stuff, but I'll tell those later.

Time for your tells.

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