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Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-09-14 18:26:38 (edited 2005-10-05 19:56:46)
What do you prefore for a pet. Cat? or Dogs? & give us a reason why. It's fine to say what else you like or what you have right now or had before. As long as you say what animal you prefore cats or dogs. I will keep a score on this post as to who likes what.

First of all I like all kinds of animals & my dream is to work w/them one day. I love all kinds of cats, meanly the big ones like Leopards & Tigers. But I also love all kinds of dogs like house ones & wolves too. But for me as a pet I have to say dogs b/c I have right know 39 chickens, four Moscovy ducks, two dogs, an ingruna, & five small house birds. I want a snake but my mom says I can have one ONCE I move out of the house. Yes my dog did kill some of my chickens when I started raising them three years ago, but now she is trained. You can't do that w/ cats. Besides my dog kind of kills the lady next door's cats & mainly kittens when they enter our yard. I don't care too much b/c first of all the come over & kill my chicks & second once I have saved the same cat FIVE times form my dog b/c it wouldn't stop comeing over our yard & they claw the hell out of me for saving them. Like that the thanks I get to for saving your butt from death is a scratch across my arms or face or chest! I don't really have anything totaly against cats it's just that they don't fit w/ the rest of my pets. Of course them again I won't be getting any puppies either b/c I don't want to go throw the whole training of them to leave the chickens alone. I wouldn't mind a cat IF it could get along w/ my dog b/c she does like cats until they scratch her form comeimg to close to them & IF the cat can keep it's paws off my chicks. Sorry this is soo long.

Score So Far...
Dogs?= 16
Cats?= 15
I can't make up my mind!= 5
I dislike animals period!= 0

People Who Likes Dogs Are: Bernz, Chick-yasha, Chizuru_chan , Clonezero, Dragunman, Funsch, Louie, Kali, Kara, kAzE', Mitsurugi, Miyamoto, Naminda, Nejgirl, None, Wolf

People Who Likes Cats Are: Adana, Andreyev, Atemu_mana, Ayeca, Boredfantasy, Cagali Hime, Daphne, Jomunga, Kei, MiSaTo daE, Oldcrow, Shiriu, Xian, & ???

People Who Can't Make-up Their Mind Are: Firefly, Lady Rin, LuBu, Kirisuto Kyo, Seishi, 霧間凪

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by H e l l o Disease on 2005-09-14 18:35:17
I prefer cats. They're just so cute and adorable! Right now I have two incerdibly spastic and loveable cats, Ariel and Feather. They're both incredibly loyal and they can sense when im upset and try to cheer me up in their own little way. It's really cute. And Ariel sleeps on my pillow by my head every night. And they're both amusing, Ariel's contantly getting into trouble and doing really stupid things and acts just like a little kitten, except she's 10 years old ((Human years))

I dislike dogs because I can't stand their barking. I drives me crazy. Plus one of my cats got out of the house on accident and was eaten alive by a dog. So that just adds to my loathing. I loved that cat. When I heard the news I bawled my eyes out.

So yeah DEFFINETLY cats. I don't mind the constant scratching and biting. They're too cute to stay mad at for long XD.

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-14 18:39:55
Cats. They are very easy to keep. All they need is food, water, and a liter box. Cats are actually very easy to train, If they do something wrong and you chase them and bonk them on the nose, they learn. I also had a ferret and my cats got along with him well. Anyways cats do their own thing most of the time, and you can pick them up and play with them when it is convenient for you.

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-09-14 18:43:03
Ive havent been scratched in years, how I miss the sharp, stinging pain of claws draging along your arm.

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-14 19:09:16
I like cats way better: I think Xian and jomuga pretty much summed up my reasons. Plus, I'm a huge Merle fanboy, which just adds to my liking for cats.

Merle ownz j00...

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-14 21:08:39
Both. Cats keep the bugs, lizards and snakes down. They also keep you warm on a winters night because the are notorious for stealing your calories. To Ranger cats are expendable, he's really joking however he does point out that most of the cats we lose wind up as food for the preadators, especially the owls and hawks.

On the other hand I could never live without a few dogs around. They are the ultimate in home security. No one gets through a dog. Burglars and robbers avoid houses with dogs. You're never surprized by someone showing to visit up unexpectedly with a dog since they always sense what's going on. Both of us know when the other is almost home as the dogs start barking when they hear out trucks and cars, from almost half a mile away.

I love my dogs and my cats.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by on 2005-09-15 00:37:14 (edited 2005-09-15 00:37:27)
Cats. As of today, we have 4 cats in our home.

I don't know why but dogs dont seem to like me. I used to have a pet dog but unfortunately, he bit me [i was feeding him on my hands and he accidentally bit my finger] then after a week he died.

My friend's pet dog was the second to bit me... and it scared the hell out of me. I almost passed out.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by adana on 2005-09-15 03:02:33
I love both cats and dogs but my parents don't allow dogs at home so you can say that I like cats more than dogs...:)

smile smile...

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-09-15 05:13:40
I love all animals, but my favorites are cats... because they are independent, smart and cuddly ^_^

Right now we have a Parrot from the amazons, smart as heck, and bites alot too... really cool!!

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Firefly on 2005-09-15 06:47:43
I, also, love both cats and dogs. Basically, I am a big animal lover and that is why I my major in college is Veerinary Technology and I can become a vet tech. I, also, own a rat and a leopard gecko, a big fat cat and a dog.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by louie on 2005-09-15 09:56:34
I love dogs because they are very reliable, cute and smart.I own 3 fat dogs.

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Wolf on 2005-09-15 18:06:37
Dogs. I had a dog from the day I was born until May last year. I love dogs and wolves because they are all for the pack just like I'm all for my pack. I could look at my dog and everything was understood between the both of us. Dogs are guardians, comforts, friends, but above all else family. "Ain't nothin' harder than a dog's love.." -DMX

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by daphne on 2005-09-15 22:20:08
cats...i love dogs but cats are easier to take care of and i don't feel guilty leaving my cat at home alone...i have one indoor cat and like 7 strays in the backyard ....well four of them are kittens but we seem to keep collecting strays!

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by clonezeroImage hosted by on 2005-09-16 01:51:49

but I love birds better

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Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by cagalli_hime on 2005-09-16 02:23:32
I love cats.It is fun to watch them catching lizards.I have owned one cat but it prefer my sister than me.@_@ Why?? I am the one who feed it!!

Cagalli sama is cute!

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Namida on 2005-09-16 02:34:22
Hi, I love dogs!!! I all ready have 5, and they are my sons (for me) :)

There is a last hope. The question is: who have it?

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by andreyev on 2005-09-16 02:52:22
i love cats.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-16 04:00:28
Cats, definitely cats. People that dislike cats coz they too independent sometimes. But I like cats coz I'm a Leo and cats are cute. Dogs are ok, my cousin's family have a dog once. But it runs like mad when it's let out. And the dog's a pig, which caused its death, it sniffed around the rat poison pellets and ate some. The dog then had lung seizures and was forced to be put down by the vet.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by miyamoto on 2005-09-16 05:44:44
if it's at home, then a dog.

if it's a zoo, then give a really huge cat.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Re: Cats? Or Dogs?
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-09-16 16:28:39
I though dogs were coming back in favor. But right now it looks like cat people over rule this forum. I have nothing again them, I just love birds better, & reptiles too!!! So Dogs seem to be better companings for people w/ reptiles &/or birds. B/c it is more in a cat's nature to eat/hunt them, than it is dogs. Not to mention they are normally better ate killing them. But dogs can be too, mainly depending on breed. My dog is half Huskey & half Alaskan Malabue; & those breed of dogs have it in there nature to hunt things; but as long as they don't fight back or draws blood she is fine until I can save the baka kitten or lizzy from her. We even had a white tom cat that was a stray & me & the lady next door feed him & he play w/ my dog (Tara), she is six now. But then again he was the ONLY cat that played w/ her & didn't try to start a fight. But some uncaring, no good, selfish baka ran him over last year! I really liked that cat too. Maby if I reaaallllly luck I might get to raise a big cat or dog at a wildlife center or zoo. I probable won't be that luck but, it never hurts to dream!

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