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I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-11 09:17:59 (edited 2005-09-11 09:18:50)
I've often wondered about the places other people live and what it's like to live there. For example Ranger and I go on vacation and visit someplace but we never really find out what it's live living there.

Do you live in a city, on a farm or in the suburbs. Are there parks nearby? and what is there to do?

I've said we live in the desert. Temperatures this summer went up to 120F/49C. We both live and work in those temps, with Ranger working outsdoors. Nighttime temps the summer are in the 90s. We live at a point between the hi-desert and lo-desert lifezones so temps here can be as much as 20F/11C cooler than the desert floor. The nearest city is Palm Springs Ca (pop ~50,000)a major tourist resort resort area located in the lower Colorado desert surrounded by mountains over 11,000ft/3350m high. Our own direct community of ~2000 people is very close knit palce where everybody knows everybody. The surrounding area has other small and maybe another 10,000-12,000 scattered through small communities and ranches. There is also an air force and marine bases not far away. The village where we live consists of a cafe and the forestry department fire station as you drive through. go thorugh the village abotu half a mile and turn right onto a dirt road. Somewhere down that network of dirt roads is where we live. I drive 35 miles to work three days a week through open desert and twice a week I drive by a sign that says "Next services 47 miles". Depending on the time of year I might see from 5-10 cars with no commercial vehicles other the regular tour bus between 10:00 and noon on Tues and Thurs. Trucks are not allowed on on the Cottonwood Springs road with a few exceptions. Distances are vast here, a trip to town is ~20 minutes, to the city maybe 45. Most of the people here work in the lo-desert commuting each day. I work in the hi-desert and Ranger works in both deserts since that tour bus is his.

Our yard, so to speak, is 6 acres with one acre cleared around the house to guard against wildfires. Animals and reptiles are regular visitor incuding raccoons, skunks, rabbits, coyotes, Mt. lion and bear. the latter two being seen rarely. There are rattlesnakes (4 species) and king snakes that eat the rattlers and Ranger who also eats the rattlers. Actually it's quite tasty and every year one or two come close enough to warrant being a treat on the BQQ marinated in Lady Rin's "Mom sauce". I like serving it to our guests. Especially those who have moved here recently. There are also hawks and owls, they eat small dogs and cats, as well as a lot of other birds.

When Ranger brought me to the desert in 1987 I hated the place. Ugly barren there were no theaters (not movies) or culture or anything. All of that has changed. I can now see a concert (Loggins and Messina last week) or an Imax film and still live away from the noise. last night we went to the Steve's Ranch drive-in movies. It's really a local social event and a lot of fun. The best night to go is either Tues. or Sat.

Ranger is a wilderness and eco-tour guide, the best there is. We both carry Canon powershot digital cameras and post a lot of the photos on the internet. Please allow me to share my home with you. the user name is: jtree and the password is: joshua.

This collection of photos includes this years wildflowers, animals, landscapes and last summers Grubstakes parade in YV. I'm driving the white pickup truck (on loan for the parade from the dealer) in the second photo. Those are the Desert Star girls and my daughter is in the red top in back.

This is my home. Now tell about yours.

mostly corrected

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-11 12:00:39
I'm from in Stratford, Connecticut, USA, an unremarkable suburb. I love it though! But now that I'm in college I live on campus. My dorm room has six people in it: me and five others. Fortunately, all my roomies are cool people (except me, hehe), and the room is more than big enough to hold six people--we actually have more space per person than the smaller rooms that only have four people. The campus itself is beautiful, and is right across from Sleeping Giant State park, which is an awesome place to hike. We're basically surrounded by forest. Truly a l337 school.

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Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-09-11 12:31:41
I live in Casper, Wyoming US and I live right across the street from a big park. Our house is about 10 miles away from Casper Mountain, and our state has less people than MOST cities. So even though our town is small, I like living here.... On the other hand, its veeery hard to find anything anime related, except in the malls.. then Its only DVDs and Manga... So Ebay is my friend @.@..... anywho Its a nice little town, and if you like wide open spaces you'd like it here. Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by athena88 on 2005-09-12 23:17:56
i live in a sort of this fusion of town & quite rural area. still the development here in my place in Malaysia grows rapidly that we barely see any poor people here. it's hot, humid but @the same time the weather goes crazy with raining cats & dogs 'ere. the sun comes out & rises at the same time here everyday, unlike in 4 seasonal countries! if we get dusk at 7 pm, it means we get dawn at 7 am. talk bout forest, we only got swamp forest here near the beach. it's thrilling to see such exotic species growing on the landcsape! MANGANIME products, til now got no problem with where to get it b'coz thanx to my wise mouth, every store i go will alwiz prepare to sell manganime dvds to me, as a customer from hell. i'd go like "what!?u guys don't have so & so title? this is the crappiest, boring dvd store that i swear i'll never set my foot on anymore!" my dad will kill me if i use his credit card to buy online! i love my damn 'hot' place(33C)!!

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Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by adana on 2005-09-14 05:30:27
I live in the Philipnes and I've been an anime addict since i was a child. We have so many cats at home and last last month, 2 of them gave birth to three kittens each. But suddenly, og of those cats murdured her kittens and now treats the kittens of the other cat as her's. Just a while ago when one of those kittens (my favorite kitty) seem to be ill as well as his real mother(my own cat.

I think that cats are really not for me cause all the cats that I love and i own dies....(if they will die then it'll be 10 of them to die(all are my favorites).

All in all, my family and I own 20 -25 cats)

okey just wanna share...

smile smile...

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by andreyev on 2005-09-16 03:19:31
really, do you know where i live? i don't think so.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-16 03:57:00
I live wif my cousin Seki for the moment while I'm studying here in Australia. I studied at a public school in HK plus I speak English wif my cousin so that's why my English is better than most overseas hongkie students. Anyways, in Australia, my aunt and uncle live in the suburbs of Perth, WA. It's actually quiet here, too quiet, but this because I'm from Hong Kong. My relatives' house isnt exactly big by Australian standards but it is WAY more spacious than my family's own apartment which can fit in my aunt and uncle's house 3 times over.
My own family home though is in HK, not so noisy coz it's away from the main roads. But my family's aparment is really small, only 3 small rooms able to fit a bed and a small desk the living room space available after the tables and other furniture is put in is only about the space in my cousin's house's corridor, just a little bit wider though. But I like living there than in Australia really, coz i can always go down to the streets to get things to eat and find stuff to do when bored. Here in Australia, there's nothing to do after 6pm. But even during the day there's nothing to do really. Perth is too calm and lack of interest for me. It's a nice place for holiday to calm down but i wouldnt wanna live here.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by miyamoto on 2005-09-16 03:57:02
andreyev you're doing a good job at jacking up your number of posts.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by andreyev on 2005-09-16 17:13:35
ok i will stop posting trash,
but the title is ....

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-17 04:12:51
I live in a really busy-and polluted and traffic-jam-crammed city in Indonesia,pretty much the capital city of it , Jakarta.(It's actually surprising that it's really hard to find anything anime-realted here, except if you go to big malls or stuff).I dislike my neighborhood , bcause most of the people live in big houses and are mostly old and rich uncles , grandpas or grandmas , and I totally can't socialize with'em.Whatever happens to those teenagers my age??

Anyway, there's a new mall built just near my house , and it added even more traffic jam to the traffic jam-filled city of mine.Urk..

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by adana on 2005-09-17 10:10:38
I live in a man hole! Come visit me in my house!


smile smile...

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-17 12:58:16
I live in a medium sized town in Illinois. Not too much going on over here. I wish I could live away from all of the noise and light. Luckily I will be moving about fifteen minutes away soon enough. I will be living near a very lareg pond/ small lake. Its basically in the middle of nowhere and its dark and quite. I will be very happy there I am guessing. BTW, Lady Rin, did you read Dune or just Ranger?(read the quote at the bottom of your sig) I have read Dune and Dune Messiah and will be moving on to the third one as soon as I can get my greedy book loving hands on it.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by desertranger on 2005-09-17 20:04:00
I read Dune years ago and since I live in the desert, a place that normally get's less that 4in/10cm of rainfall, it fits.

Paul Etrides to the Fremen. "What is it you call the desert"?

Answer: "Moadibe".

Paul, "Then you shall call me Moadibe, the prophecy come true and I shall teach you the weirding way".

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by Joshua on 2005-09-17 22:08:35
Paul Muad' Dib the mouse, also Usul the Base, also the Kwisatz Heidrach. He will kill with a word, he will be many places at once. Thats bout all I can remember off the top o my noggin.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by koyuki on 2005-09-21 04:40:40
i live in Malaysia (same as athena88). One thing i like about living here is that we have a culture 2 eat out real late at night . You can go out like 3am in the morning n chances u will find some restourant are still open. Oh some are actually open for 24hours especially indian restourant that we call "mamak" stall.

Its juz food heaven here hehe......besides the crazy tropical wheather
its nice place 2 stay in.

Re: I know where you live, now tell us about it.
Link | by desertranger on 2005-09-21 13:04:57
Depending on where you live in this area closing times vary.

11-midnight in the Palm Springs area
Restaraunts and pubs in the town nearby as late as midnight or 2am, legal drinking hours.
Our village. 9 weeknights, 11:00pm Fri Sat.

My bedtime is around 10pm and rising time at 4-6 depending.

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