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I'll be joining a Gundam Contest pls help.
Link | by JP-OPER on 2005-09-10 07:19:13
Hello evryone!! umm..anyone here who has a hobby of GUNPLA (Gundam Plastic) modelling??

You see.. I'm planning to join a Gundam modelling contest this coming November. I already have my own kit that I would join it's a 1/100 HG Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L.

Now my problem is that I need good looking color scheme that would costomize my kit. By the way, Astray Blue Frame 2nd L's default color scheme is white and blue. (White for the external aromor) (blue for the internal frame). And I want to change that.

So any suggestons of a good looking color sheme?? Please post it.
All of your help will be appreciated

Thank You


Re: I'll be joining a Gundam Contest pls help.
Link | by Jester on 2005-09-13 11:18:21
why change it? i think it already looks good the way it is. anyway changing it's color wong make it the Astray Blue anymore. IMHO.

Re: I'll be joining a Gundam Contest pls help.
Link | by JP-OPER on 2005-09-14 02:38:29
Sir. the purpose of the said contest is to "customize" the said kit.

Besides there is a criteria in the contest that says: "Color Customization" and Originality which is worth more than 30 points each.

Anyways, I'm still accepting your suggestions regarding a nice color scheme for my Astray Blue Frame 2nd L.


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