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What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Icefly on 2005-09-09 17:08:49
For Trigun, when wolfwood dies.

For Azumanga Daioh, When the series ended and there would be no more.

"I hate myself. But I might be able to love myself. I might be allowed to stay here. Yes. I am nothing but I. I can be I. I wish to be I. I want to stay here. I can stay here!" ~Shinji Ikari

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Funsch on 2005-09-09 17:17:37
In the end of the 12th Episode for Onegai Teacher since I thought the series might have ended and I'd really had got attached to the characters.

In Ai Yori Aoshi, when Aoi leaves Karou to go back home, around the 3rd episode I think. When Karou was alone by himself afterwards, since it kinda reminded me of my lonely times :*(.

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by audishah on 2005-09-09 18:01:23
i have many crying moments..naruto made me cried many times..heck, the characters really get to me..hagaren's ending was sad too..argh,don wanna think about this!!

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Redimer on 2005-09-09 19:28:43
In Rurouni Kenshin Seissouhen when Kenshin returned only to die in Kaoru`s arms

Live by honor, kill by stealth

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by kureyuki on 2005-09-09 21:02:29
i cried like crazy when haku died in naruto. T_T i still cant watch it w/o crying a bit, even though i know exactly whats going to happen.

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Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Kioko Uratsuma on 2005-09-09 21:04:03 (edited 2005-09-09 21:04:56)
When Kuu and Rekki left the town. (Haibane Renmei)

I am the master of my fate:I am the captain of my soul

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by treff on 2005-09-09 21:17:27
why want to cry is just an anime. but i only feel sad with and never cry when watch the sad part.

swt~ it's me

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-09-09 21:20:57
i want to cry when someone dies, someone leaves, or a really good anime ends.

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Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by phuriku on 2005-09-09 21:49:19
In Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien when Haruka made her parting speech to Takayuki.

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by on 2005-09-10 08:42:41 (edited 2005-09-10 08:45:14)
I've cried many times... but naruto is the latest.
That was when Naruto was still practicing Razengan. Jiraiya asked
him to buy something in the town then he saw a father-and son together, eating ice cream. He felt envious of the kid. Then back
to their practicing place, he asked Jiraiya to stay saying they haven't been able to practice together for a long time. Jiraiya
refused and Naruto was deeply hurt. I was crying then, it made me
cry more when Jiraiya came back with an ice cream, handing it to Naruto.

I must have cried a pail then. T_T

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-10 12:39:17
*SPOILERS FOR FULL METAL PANICE TSR for those who havent watched it yet*

yeah, the ending for Kimi ga nozomu eien was so sad I almost cried. And when Sousuke is told to cut off all contact with Kaname in TSR i also almost cried.
And in the manga for psychic academy, the ending also made me wanna cry.
*hang on, i'm a guys" "err.. too old fashioned*

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by Gmm on 2005-09-10 16:19:33
Wow, no one has mentioned FMA. Maes death, and the whole Nina/Chimera thing. I didnt cry but i know a bunch of people who did. Seeing Mustang cry, that screwed me up though.

[offensive signature removed]

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by hjelge on 2005-09-10 16:36:51
I cried when Gren was falling in his space ship through the sky in Cowboy Bebop. I've cried other times too, but this was the one I remembered.

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by phoenix_dragoness on 2005-09-10 17:23:42
I'm new here so I don't know whether this has already been said or not but how about that part in Tsubasa Chronicles when Sakura wakes up and asks Syaoran: "Who are you?"

I think I cried then lol

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by no_comment on 2005-09-10 19:57:10
when sad things come out i don't think i ever cried watching these sad parts of anime but i sure was about to. some parts are just very depressing you noe

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by yoojinkim on 2005-09-10 21:14:04
the ending of Gundam Seed.. I cried with athrun, kira and cagalli! It made me cry coz' of the ending song... "Doshite kimi wa chiisa na te de..." it's so slow and very pleasing to the ears.

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by on 2005-09-10 21:30:06
Oh yeah, Gmm's right. Of all the sad episodes of FMA, this chimaera thing is the saddest and i wept when Ed did. He's a str ong kid and sseing him that way breaks my heart.

The part when Cowboy Bebop was about to end, the last conversation of Faye and Spike is a sad one too.

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by feimau on 2005-09-10 23:36:18
this is my first time posting in a forum as i am new here. Well i cry in most of the sad parts. The latest anime which i cried was tsubasa chronicle episode 20. The part when sakura was singing "you are my love" in japanese. she was singing her past life and everything that happened i cried a bucket *sniff sniff*

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by shio rocks on 2005-09-11 04:24:05
umm... looking at all of these, i'm starting to think i'm kinda an insensitive bastard...
wolf's rain - any sad part you can think of, the entire anime's kinda tragic. i cried quite a bit towards the ending... yar.
hikaru no go - didn't watch the entire thing, but i know i cried at the part where sai left...
magic knight rayerath - i think i nearly cried towards the ending of the first season. but i guess there was kinda just too much action, the emotions didn't really sink in.
X/1999 - i know i cried at the ending of the tv series, but it was also kinda because i was getting rather hysterical at the coughcompromisingcough position of kamui and fuuma. but the ending's sad, at least in my opinion...

Tenimyu, my life. First Generation of Seigaku Regulars forever!!
nagayama takashi! - eiji takigawa eiji - buchou kimeru - fuji moriyama eiji! - momo shiozawa hidemasa!!! - mizuki

Re: What parts in anime made you want to cry?
Link | by louie on 2005-09-11 08:59:29 (edited 2005-09-11 09:00:21)
I cried in the last episode of Lunar legend Tsukihime because the girl has to leaved the one that she love because she need to go back in to her own world *sigh*.... it realy made me cry.....*sigh* again

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