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Link | by 610368 on 2005-09-09 03:18:06
anyone have the link for inuyasha's theme song ?

Re: inuyasha
Link | by TRIX on 2005-09-09 03:22:30
i have i ....
i actually uploaded it today


Re: inuyasha
Link | by TRIX on 2005-09-09 03:23:18
are you interested?


Re: inuyasha
Link | by TRIX on 2005-09-09 03:24:30
and by the way, which theme song?......................................
maybe i can upload it for you^^


Re: inuyasha
Link | by 610368 on 2005-09-09 07:29:23
I WAN all of the opening songs thank for being greedy

Re: inuyasha
Link | by rankotobuki on 2005-09-09 20:46:23
Opening songs... Well..
I know a site that has it.. But i gotta look for it... and I dunno if I can supply a link here... I'd probably have to email it... -.-''

Re: inuyasha
Link | by Dark O.o on 2005-09-10 10:59:56
Hmm... I downloaded a lot of InuYasha songs... I can't remember the site though...

Re: inuyasha
Link | by joe on 2005-09-10 12:27:44
pls can you post some inuyasha songs like dearest and everyheart pls then are awesome songs

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