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online comics/manga
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-08 12:54:41
I was wondering if anyone else on this site reads online webcomics.
Some of my favorites are Megatokyo, Applegeeks, Sluggy Freelance, Demonology 101, and Prodigy Grey. Anyone else a fan?

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Re: online comics/manga
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-09-08 14:18:28 (edited 2005-09-08 14:18:46)
Oh, Megatokyo without a doubt!! :D Some of the comics hosted/posted through Clone Manga are also quite good;

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-09-08 17:02:56
not a fan, but interested, can you give me some info?

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by Kali on 2005-09-08 17:56:10
I have been reading "Fallen" by Aido, "Directions of Destiny" and "Lapis Aquae" by Hans Tseng, and "Reman Mythology" by Amy Kim Ganter. All really good in its own way...

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Re: online comics/manga
Link | by H e l l o Disease on 2005-09-08 18:01:02
I like Megatokyo, Schism, Nekobox and 8-bit theatre! Lemme know if anyone wants links. ^^

To dance!
No way to make a living;
Masochism; Pain; Perfection;
Muscle Spasms; Chiropractors;
Short Carrers Eating Disorders!

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by Gmm on 2005-09-08 18:32:42
There is one about Ragnarok i like to read, there is another one about a catgirl and her "master" who in a way becomes her slave, and i sometimes read Flipside when im not bored.

VG cats its anotherone i like to look at its hilarious

[offensive signature removed]

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-09-09 07:30:15
I read Megatokyo every once in a while to pass the time. I'm not really a fan though.

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-09-09 16:03:10

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-09 16:49:44

Demonolgy 101
Sluggy Freelance
Prodigy Grey

To read them--go to the archives section and begin at the beginning. I'd recommend starting with Sluggy Freelance or Megatokyo because those are the two that got me hooked.

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Re: online comics/manga
Link | by The Chosen One on 2005-09-10 04:38:57
thanks bro............

"I will not back down, cause that is my way of the ninja!"

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-10 09:36:18
You're welcome. Hope you enjoy them, I know that I did (and still do)!

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Re: online comics/manga
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-10 11:48:14
ive seen a online comic about chars from nick and CNetwork...

kinda good...

Go bleedman!

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: online comics/manga
Link | by Kali on 2005-09-13 00:13:47 --> "Fallen" by Aido ---> "Directions of Destiny" by Hans Tseng (You can find the link to his story "Lapis Aquae" there but he's put it on hold.) ---> "Reman Mythology" by Amy Ganter... (also on hold until she can find a publisher... she has other works that are just as nice, though... I think one that is worth looking at is "Of Sorcerers and Secretaries"... I think that's what it's called....)

Check them out.

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Re: online comics/manga
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-16 06:47:24
you like online comics?
heres a good one..especially if your a ff fan...but i havent checked the site for a long time so im not sure if its still there...
or is it
sorry kinda forgot the site...just check it out...its about the first ff game in a somewhat hilarious take on the game...

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