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upload problems
Link | by tec on 2004-08-10 01:05:01
anybody having problems uploading a song? it's weird because i was able to grant one request. then when i was uploading another request, i don't know if i was able to upload successfully because i'm getting the "The page cannot be displayed" page. something with host not available or something.
i'll try reuploading it again.
gendou: sorry if there were multiple full metal alchemist - tobira no mukou e. that's me getting the error.
edit: nevermind.. it's an 11.1MB file.

Re: upload problems
Link | by utok on 2004-08-11 19:32:32
um.. i actually have some of the songs on the list but i don't have much time to upload... i'll try to upload ASAP... which means in a few days

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