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The inner child.
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-05 07:36:56 (edited 2005-09-05 07:41:26)
OldCrow said No offense Lady Rin, but the whole idea of the "inner child" and the mystification of childhood is one of the most annoying concepts in existence.

It is not a question of a childs point of view. No matter what we do we cannot look at the world the way a child does and I never implied that is what the inner child does or is. th einner child is an attitude a wauy of looking at the world and it has little to do with children except as a point of reference.

It is also a difficult to state exactly what the inner child is and is better done through example.

Question: Excluding cosplay and events how many girls would dress like this in public just because?


Or wear this dress to work or out to dinner?

Those are seifuku (traditional japanese school uniforms) and I have about a dozen in different styles and colour including my old school uniform which I still wear as well. These are not cheap costumes they are the real thing. I am small enough and attractive enough I can wear them and get away with it. My wardrobe is for a youthful person, not an old lady (metaphore) There is very little that is would be considered proper attire for someone of my age, especially formal and work attire.

I also have a collection of costumes and outfits from as well. Some of them are very nice and I can wear them when we go out. Makes me look like a grown up girl. Others are for play at home.

Wearing these makes me feel like a child, play time all day long. At the market, in a staff meeting or the classroom or at the Alamo, the local beer stupa. I feel comfortable andI am at ease with myself and who I am. After all if someone makes me feel bad I can always scuf my feet and pout, that usually puts a stop to it(I don't wear the classic seifuku to work, I do wear the others however and not all of the time).

Nejigirl said about going to Disneyworld. I was married there and that was the first time I had ever been to a Disney resort. It was a magical wonderful palce and we spent a week there. On my second trip, to Disneyland in CA actually, it was still magical. I have been dozens of time over the years. It's a 2 hour drive and we usually go once a year and stay at the Grand Californian hotel. I wear dresses, costumes,or seifuku, I don't wear the Disney costumes you can buy there because they are usually poor quality and cheaply made. Besides I have gowns and clothes from the Renaissance festivals and fetes that are suitable for wearing to a formal dinner, party or event. Disneyland is still a magical place for me.

Ranger also has clothes from the faeirs he wears out. Everybody always wants to know where we buy them and how beauftiful they are. These are not designer clothes and they are unique as well as hand made and we are comfortable in them.

A few months ago we went to the Lynard Skynard concert at one of the Indian casinos. I was wearing a pretty summer dress and sandals. It made me look like a very young almost gothic girl. I was happy and we were having a lot of fun, I felt like a young girl. Sitting there we watched a couple come up looking for their seats. The man was about Rangers age and he was dragging a trophy wife behind him. She was about my age very pretty and dressed much the same way I was only she didn't look very happy. My first thought was do I look like that with Ranger? So I asked a friend, (Holly and Ben) who had come with us. If I looked like that "A young girl going out with daddy" or Trophy Wife #XX which was not what I was looking to do. Holly said I did yes only that girl was not comfortable with it at all and I didn't look like a trophy wife.

That's part of the inner child. Being able to go out, do what you want and how you want and not worry about what other people think or say. I have found that's difficult for most people to do. My friends Wendy and Holly and I all have a matching seifuku. It is difficult to get them to wear them unless the three of us are together. I'll wear mine anytime I wish, because like a child, the inner child, I don't care what people think.

Old Crow you make me work too hard. :) :lol:


Re: The inner child.
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-05 15:09:56
So that's your defintion of "the inner child"? Well good, that's not the kind of psychobabble crap that I normally think of when I hear that term. Your definition is "Being able to go out, do what you want and how you want and not worry about what other people think or say." In short, the ability to have fun without worrying about what other people's opinions. That's a great quality to have, and you're right: a lot of people can't pull it off. I know that I can't do it all of the time. However, this quality deserves a better label than "inner child" which is normally used by PC New Age (or "newage", which rhymes with "sewage") types, psychologists, and other airheads to mean something quite different. Let's call it unselfconciounceness (did I spell that right?) for lack of a better word.

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Re: The inner child.
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-05 15:16:13
There's actually more I'm just curious to see what else might be said.

Re: The inner child.
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-09-05 15:47:54
Lady Rin what you said is correct, "inner child" is related to a person's desires without any social boundaries. It's only related to childhood because of the lack of worryness(is it spelled right?!) about others, which commonly exists in an innocent child.
One thing there needs be said is that a person's "inner child" shouldn't be related to something good. What if that person only has deep desires of murder and violence?!

Re: The inner child.
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-05 16:53:18 (edited 2005-09-05 16:56:46)

Shiriu has a point, and it's Rin's inner child that get's her into trouble every now and then. Usually into a situation that's over her head something she can't cope with. sometimes it's in a crowd with me and/or friends nearby or by herself when she goes shopping looking like Koname Chidori, (Full Metal Panic). That's why I'm there, to watch over my little girl (sic). Rin in seifuku is very cute and sexy, it's a natural. In a pretty dress with ribbons in her hair even more so. Add in the biker bimbos and other sexy sexy gals at the 'Mo dressed in "bad schoolgirl' or some other killer sexy outfit and in comes Rin looking like sweet Pollyanna or pretty Mary Sunshine. that is her natural self. Not perky but genuinely that way. That can cause a lot of problems, especially in a small town, in more ways than one.

But her inner child extends to more than that. To Rin faeries are real our house relfects that, especially our bedroom. For as long as we have owned this house she has done her best to make it look like a sweet charming home with faerie tale undertones, it's very subtle. Our bedroom is, whatelse a faeries tale. So I sleep with her in a lavender and white bedroom with stars that glow in the dark on the ceiling on a 4 poster bed under matching covers. That makes her happy. That also means in the last several years as she has replaced my aging and dying Led Zep, Pink Floyd and rock and roll t-shirts with a collection that is mostly Tinkerbell and more recently anime heroines. I wear 'em. I wear 'em cause she likes me wearing them. So I wear them to the 'Mo, around the ranch, under my uniforms, everywhere and I don't give a damn what I hear from the marines, bikers and tourists. If they comment I just tell them that, "It's Miss Bells sweet ass I'm after, not yours" and go back to my Guinness.

Shiriu also wondered about evil and the inner child. I think they are mutually exclusive. that would be like saying an evil child.

I learned from Rin about my inner child. It means a less stressful life and that I don't have to prove anything to anyone ever. Prob is I guide and teach trail safety and survival so there's always a challenge. I use to rise to them. Now I say, "you wanna show? Buy a ticket". I don't do challenges unless there's money on the table and win, lose or draw that money's in my pocket and if you don't like the results, too bad. My prob is I'm too serious to have a lot of that inner child. I'm also too mean so I watch and protect Rin and keep her from overstepping herself where I can and get to play her games and that's enough for me.

Trophy wives are hotties but a lotta guys married to 'em suffer. No fun, to driven by wives who want power and success. More fun to have a wife driven by life.

Rin says, "Life's a faerie tale". She may be right.

I think it's that attitude that has kept us together.


Re: The inner child.
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-05 17:23:26
yeah, a lot of people relate to the 'inner child' topic as something that can't be respected and is simply something that dosen't go any deeper than a face value... but i do have an inner child, and she is quite happy because i am quite happy dreaming and simply being myself. if i want to blow bubbles, so be it. if i want to do something that a child would do for amusement, i'd do and be happy with life's simply pleasures.... i think an inner child makes us remember what we've forgotten under the influence of changing times, changing people... it's something to center our values on, in one sense... (of course, not the values that promote mean mischief! just the playful kind!!!)

my inner child brings me back to where i started... it's really great, i think.

nya........... hehe.

Re: The inner child.
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-06 05:14:35
The inner child also provides me with a place of comfort and innocence. A place where I can be at peace with myself and the rest of the world.

Still having a strong inner child can bring some problems. I get a lot of "Rin dont you think it's time you grew up after all your 42". I also get a lot of unwanted attention in public, it can embarrass our children and it makes for problems with certain undesirables when out for a few drinks. In our vllage with its small population pop ~1500, it's not a problem since everybody knows everybody. In town however it's different. With a larger population, ~25,000, based on tourisim I do attract attention, so I have to be carefull how I appear. I would never dress or behave the way I do in the nearest city, ~300,000, unless Ranger was beside all of the time. I was assaultd once while wearing a classic summer seifuku.It took a long time for me to start wearing them again. Whether it had anything to do with that assault I don't know, however I am now careful about what I wear, and when and where I wear it. That was difficult :)

Unfortunately I have to keep that child under control and buried someties and that is not my nature.

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