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Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-04 09:07:49
In another post the topic of katrina was mentioned and one reply to it was:
"Don't bring up Katrina. It'll cause a ruckus on the forum. Especially if I get into it and spaz off about how messed up america is."

so what does everyone here thinks of this incident? I read that the Bush admin was quite the irresponsible government (but duh, everyone shoulda known that even before Katrina), that the admin gave more focus on Iraq than on its own people, even when their own departments are raising warnings about the possibility of a Katrina.

I stated my view, what do everyone here think of the Katrina disaster?

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-04 09:46:42
It's true that the federal government's response has been less impressive so far, although that could change. It's also true that making FEMA (federal emergency management agency) part of the Department of Homeland Security greatly decreased its flexibility and effectiveness.

However, I'm more inclined to blame the Louisiana state government. Cases like this are supposed to be the primary responsibility of the states, with the federal government helping out as needed. In fact, it is actually against the law for the federal government to come in unless the state government asks them to. In this case, the state government dragged its feet, about both asking for assistance and about authorizing martial law in New Orleans. Say what you like about Bush (I personally feel he is the worst president since Richard Nixon), but the responsibility for emergency mangement lies primarily at the state level. After all, federalism is one of the founding principles of America.

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Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-04 15:48:42
it really is a tragedy - aside from the fact that people can't truly predict the weather in that sort of way, i mean, there's only so much you can figure out regarding nature... and on the organizational side, it's just an entire nightmare. a lot of louisiana {especially new orleans} is built under sea level; that's how it was when the french established it, and they just never bothered changing it... they took all those thousands of people to some big football dome in louisiana, and then the roof started caving in, and now they're all in the astro dome in texas. it'll be months before they can even see what's left of their houses.... i don't really know who's to blame, but the relief effort isn't going very well at all, i suppose....

nya........... hehe.

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-04 15:53:53
Mmm.... I read somewhere (i forgot exactly) that an army engineer actually submitted suggestions to strengthen the levees but Bush admin totally ignored it. When the state gov tried to get funding to strengten the levees, the Bush Admin cut their funding and used it on Iraq.
Also I heard that the Canadians have offered their services but federal people have not allowed them to come except for the Canadian Red Cross.
And that the National Guard couldnt do jack in stopping the chaos, plus those stupid snipers who shot at the rescue choppers (what the hell can those idiots gain by shooting at their rescuers?!)

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-09-04 16:15:39
I agree that this is going to likely cause a big ruckus on the forums... so I'll just say my 2c, and be done with it :D

I believe the Louisianna State Government was lax in asking for federal help, and FEMA was completely useless, from the top on down, in terms of effectiveness. I don't feel it was really the "Bush Administration's" fault, as this didn't really have to do with the administration, this was a local, down-to-earth crisis management problem, with not enough information being disseminated quickly enough, again due to the State Government and federal FEMA agency's incompetence;

(Hopefully this post won't go on much longer... There's lots of other forums better suited to this sort of debate)

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by Ravensender on 2005-09-04 18:47:11
Well, it didn't help that for the first 2 or 3 days the president was still on vacation, and the New Orleans' local National Guard members who would of made execuation mandatory were in Iraq ... hmm ... Well at least everyone now knows if something happens we're on our own.

The end of the weekend is something that's inevitable... Like a test. Or the Apocalypse. Love Compatibility Test Love Compatibility Test

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-09-04 21:20:38
PyroNeko and StriderNeko, do you know each other somehow, or are your screennames just a coincidence?

And, BTW, I agree with you that the President remaining on vacation showed that at first he wasn't taking it very seriously.

About the National Guard comment. I don't know if they're usually deployed for evacuations and I don't know how Iraq affected the Guard's readiness in Louisiana. I will say that there are certainly plenty of Guardsmen in New Orleans now.

However, this whole thing happened in Louisiana, which means that most of the responsibility lies with the Louisiana stated government. As I said before, federalism means that the states are supposed to take care of things within their own borders and the federal government cannot intervene unless it's specifically requested by the state government.

I think the Louisiana government's getting kicked out big time in the next election.

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Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-09-05 05:25:40
stupid monkey.... stay out of our white house! *grrrr*

nya........... hehe.

Re: Katrina ... let the ruckus begin
Link | by StriderNeko on 2005-09-05 05:36:02
Nope, my screenname & Pyro's are just a coincidence :D (I don't enjoy fire as much, obviously );

I also don't really think that national guard was what was needed (though they certainly helped); As many have said, they needed active or reservist full-equipped military from the beginning to control looting & pillaging, and to protect the emergency workers that were there from the beginning. But the Louisianna government didn't make a big case of it, and instead, was just telling people to go to the superdome (A massive nightmare in itself), instead of calling for Federal aid & management of the problem from day 0; They just acted like it would blow-over in a day, and everyone would go back to normal.

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